
  1. I have a cat, which is very cute.

  2. He bought a new car, which is very expensive.

  3. The movie, which I watched last night, was very interesting.

  4. The book, which I read last week, was very informative.

  5. She has a brother, which is a doctor.

  6. The restaurant, which we went to last night, served delicious food.

  7. The house, which they are selling, has a big yard.

  8. The dress, which she wore to the party, was very beautiful.

  9. The company, which he works for, is very successful.

  10. The game, which we played yesterday, was very fun.

  11. The hotel, which we stayed at last night, had a great view.

  12. The bike, which he bought last year, is very fast.

  13. The song, which she sang at the concert, was very emotional.

  14. The city, which I visited last month, was very charming.

  15. The laptop, which he uses for work, is very reliable.

  16. The class, which I took last semester, was very challenging.

  17. The dog, which they adopted, is very friendly.

  18. The museum, which we visited on Saturday, was very informative.

  19. The phone, which she dropped, is now broken.

  20. The jacket, which he bought online, was a perfect fit.

  21. The cake, which she baked, was very delicious.

  22. The party, which we organized, was a huge success.

  23. The beach, which we went to last summer, was very beautiful.

  24. The painting, which he created, was very impressive.

  25. The watch, which he received as a gift, is very expensive.

  26. The car, which they rented, was very comfortable.

  27. The concert, which we attended, was very entertaining.

  28. The plant, which she is taking care of, is growing very well.

  29. The camera, which he uses for photography, is very professional.

  30. The restaurant, which we are going to tonight, is very popular.

  31. The university, which he graduated from, is very prestigious.

  32. The movie, which she recommended, was very good.

  33. The city, which he grew up in, is very small.

  34. The shirt, which he is wearing, is very stylish.

  35. The book, which she lent me, was very interesting.

  36. The movie, which we watched together, was very funny.

  37. The country, which we visited last year, was very exotic.

  38. The computer, which he built himself, is very powerful.

  39. The store, which we shopped at, had great deals.

  40. The museum, which he volunteers at, is very informative.

  41. The house, which she is renovating, is very old.

  42. The restaurant, which he owns, is very popular.

  43. The car, which he drives, is very fast.

  44. The school, which she teaches at, is very prestigious.

  45. The phone, which he uses, is very advanced.

  46. The music, which she listens to, is very diverse.

  47. The camera, which she bought, is very high-quality.

  48. The laptop, which they use for work, is very reliable.

  49. The city, which we live in, is very busy.

  50. The park, which we visited, was very peaceful.

  51. The hotel, which he booked, is very luxurious.

  52. The painting, which she bought, is very expensive.

  53. The book, which he wrote, was very popular.

  54. The vacation, which we took, was very relaxing.

  55. The game, which he played, was very intense.

  56. The movie, which they produced, was very successful.

  57. The job, which she applied for, is very competitive.

  58. The museum, which he founded, is very informative.

  59. The car, which we rented, was very comfortable.

  60. The restaurant, which she works at, is very busy.

  61. The beach, which he visited, was very crowded.

  62. The phone, which she lost, was very expensive.

  63. The city, which they moved to, is very diverse.

  64. The watch, which he owns, is very stylish.

  65. The party, which she attended, was very fun.

  66. The computer, which he uses, is very powerful.

  67. The store, which he bought the clothes from, had great deals.

  68. The school, which he graduated from, is very prestigious.

  69. The music, which he listens to, is very relaxing.

  70. The book, which she is writing, is very interesting.

  71. The park, which he visited, was very beautiful.

  72. The restaurant, which she recommended, was very good.

  73. The vacation, which they took, was very adventurous.

  74. The movie, which he directed, was very successful.

  75. The job, which he got, is very well-paid.

  76. The camera, which he uses for photography, is very professional.

  77. The city, which we are visiting, is very exciting.

  78. The car, which he is fixing, is very old.

  79. The laptop, which she uses for work, is very efficient.

  80. The museum, which we visited, was very informative.

  81. The phone, which he bought, is very advanced.

  82. The party, which we attended, was very lively.

  83. The beach, which she visited, was very relaxing.

  84. The game, which they played, was very competitive.

  85. The book, which he is reading, is very informative.

  86. The watch, which she received as a gift, is very stylish.

  87. The restaurant, which he recommended, had great food.

  88. The computer, which she uses, is very user-friendly.

  89. The city, which he is exploring, is very interesting.

  90. The vacation, which she is planning, is very exciting.

  91. The park, which we are visiting, is very large.

  92. The movie, which he watched, was very emotional.

  93. The job, which she has, is very fulfilling.

  94. The museum, which he visited, was very educational.

  95. The book, which she recommended, was very interesting.

  96. The phone, which he uses, is very reliable.

  97. The beach, which they visited, was very beautiful.

  98. The restaurant, which we went to, had great service.

  99. The car, which she drives, is very eco-friendly.

  100. The laptop, which he bought, is very lightweight.

上一篇 2023年06月29日15时52分19秒
下一篇 2023年06月29日15时54分35秒


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