这个房间是他们的,所以请不要随便乱动东西。 This room is theirs, so please don't move things around.
他们的孩子们在玩捉迷藏。 Their children are playing hide and seek.
昨天的胜利是他们的,我们需要更加努力去赢得下一场比赛。 Yesterday's victory was theirs, we need to work harder to win the next game.
她们的家乡是一个美丽的小镇。 Their hometown is a beautiful small town.
他们的公司在市中心开了一家新店。 Their company opened a new store in the city center.
他们的狗跑到了我们的院子里。 Their dog ran into our yard.
他们的意见并不总是一致的。 Their opinions are not always the same.
那些书是他们的,所以请不要弄丢或损坏它们。 Those books are theirs, so please don't lose or damage them.