
现在完成时被动语态是英语中比较常用的一种语态。它表示动作已经完成,且动作的执行者不重要或者不确定,通常由“have/has been + 过去分词”构成。下面是100个关于现在完成时被动语态的例句,帮助你更好地掌握这种语态。

  1. The book has been read by many people.
  2. The work has been done by my assistant.
  3. The letter has been sent by the postman.
  4. The house has been painted by my brother.
  5. The car has been repaired by the mechanic.
  6. The cake has been baked by my mother.
  7. The movie has been watched by millions of people.
  8. The homework has been completed by the students.
  9. The report has been written by the journalist.
  10. The song has been sung by the famous singer.
  11. The garden has been watered by the gardener.
  12. The dishes have been washed by my sister.
  13. The picture has been drawn by the artist.
  14. The project has been finished by the team.
  15. The speech has been given by the president.
  16. The package has been delivered by the courier.
  17. The concert has been attended by many fans.
  18. The message has been received by the recipient.
  19. The fruit has been picked by the farmer.
  20. The decision has been made by the committee.
  21. The mistake has been corrected by the teacher.
  22. The email has been sent by the sender.
  23. The message has been left by the caller.
  24. The presentation has been prepared by the speaker.
  25. The problem has been solved by the expert.
  26. The book has been translated by the author.
  27. The dress has been designed by the fashion designer.
  28. The software has been developed by the programmer.
  29. The reservation has been made by the customer.
  30. The plan has been implemented by the manager.
  31. The film has been produced by the director.
  32. The article has been published by the editor.
  33. The task has been assigned by the supervisor.
  34. The question has been answered by the expert.
  35. The decision has been announced by the company.
  36. The announcement has been made by the speaker.
  37. The website has been created by the web designer.
  38. The application has been approved by the manager.
  39. The photo has been taken by the photographer.
  40. The story has been told by the storyteller.
  41. The medicine has been prescribed by the doctor.
  42. The research has been conducted by the scientist.
  43. The document has been signed by the signer.
  44. The meeting has been scheduled by the organizer.
  45. The news has been reported by the journalist.
  46. The problem has been fixed by the technician.
  47. The contract has been signed by the parties.
  48. The data has been analyzed by the analyst.
  49. The decision has been made by the board.
  50. The agreement has been reached by the parties.
  51. The rules have been followed by the players.
  52. The idea has been proposed by the presenter.
  53. The review has been written by the critic.
  54. The program has been broadcasted by the station.
  55. The game has been played by the team.
  56. The book has been reviewed by the critic.
  57. The law has been violated by the offender.
  58. The message has been ignored by the recipient.
  59. The information has been shared by the informant.
  60. The work has been valued by the critic.
  61. The movie has been criticized by the reviewer.
  62. The incident has been investigated by the police.
  63. The proposal has been rejected by the committee.
  64. The decision has been reconsidered by the board.
  65. The statement has been released by the spokesperson.
  66. The message has been deleted by the user.
  67. The report has been confirmed by the source.
  68. The goal has been scored by the player.
  69. The news has been leaked by the insider.
  70. The problem has been ignored by the manager.
  71. The offer has been accepted by the candidate.
  72. The result has been announced by the referee.
  73. The outcome has been predicted by the expert.
  74. The story has been made up by the liar.
  75. The goal has been achieved by the team.
  76. The question has been ignored by the speaker.
  77. The decision has been challenged by the opponent.
  78. The law has been enforced by the police.
  79. The message has been misunderstood by the recipient.
  80. The document has been forged by the fraudster.
  81. The result has been influenced by the weather.
  82. The report has been filed by the employee.
  83. The mistake has been repeated by the student.
  84. The opportunity has been missed by the candidate.
  85. The deadline has been extended by the manager.
  86. The test has been failed by the student.
  87. The message has been received by the spammer.
  88. The rumor has been spread by the gossip.
  89. The mistake has been admitted by the employee.
  90. The information has been leaked by the hacker.
  91. The problem has been resolved by the team.
  92. The issue has been addressed by the manager.
  93. The project has been funded by the investor.
  94. The decision has been reconsidered by the judge.
  95. The product has been launched by the company.
  96. The target has been achieved by the team.
  97. The message has been replied by the sender.
  98. The question has been answered by the candidate.
  99. The result has been influenced by the audience.
  100. The message has been received by the spam filter.


上一篇 2023年06月26日18时51分04秒
下一篇 2023年06月26日18时53分17秒


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