

  1. My sister considers painting her hobby.
  2. He found the book very interesting.
  3. The teacher declared the exam cancelled.
  4. The boss named her the new manager.
  5. I consider myself lucky to have such great friends.
  6. The doctor diagnosed the patient with a cold.
  7. She made the cake look beautiful with icing.
  8. The coach named him the team captain.
  9. The teacher found her students attentive.
  10. The storm left the city without power.
  11. The company declared bankruptcy.
  12. The audience found the play entertaining.
  13. The doctor diagnosed her with a broken leg.
  14. I consider you one of my closest friends.
  15. The chef made the dish spicy with peppers.
  16. The teacher declared the project due next week.
  17. The boss named him the employee of the month.
  18. The artist considers his work a masterpiece.
  19. The teacher found her student's essay well-written.
  20. The storm left the beach covered in debris.
  21. The company declared the product a success.
  22. The audience found the movie thrilling.
  23. The doctor diagnosed him with a heart condition.
  24. I consider this a waste of time.
  25. The chef made the soup creamy with milk.
  26. The teacher declared her student the winner.
  27. The boss named her the head of the department.
  28. The scientist found the results conclusive.
  29. The storm left the trees uprooted.
  30. The company declared a holiday for the employees.
  31. The audience found the concert amazing.
  32. The doctor diagnosed the patient with pneumonia.
  33. I consider her a great leader.
  34. The chef made the dish savory with herbs.
  35. The teacher declared the class dismissed.
  36. The boss named him the project manager.
  37. The artist considers his work a reflection of himself.
  38. The teacher found her students respectful.
  39. The storm left the roads flooded.
  40. The company declared the merger a success.
  41. The audience found the performance outstanding.
  42. The doctor diagnosed her with an allergy.
  43. I consider it a privilege to work here.
  44. The chef made the dessert sweet with sugar.
  45. The teacher declared her student the class president.
  46. The boss named her the employee of the year.
  47. The scientist found the hypothesis correct.
  48. The storm left the house damaged.
  49. The company declared a new product launch.
  50. The audience found the exhibition impressive.


上一篇 2023年06月26日11时00分00秒
下一篇 2023年06月26日11时02分09秒


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