

  1. Not only do I like to dance, but I also enjoy singing.
  2. She not only speaks English fluently, but she also knows French.
  3. He is not only good at math, but he also excels in science.
  4. I not only finished my homework, but I also studied for the test.
  5. She not only runs every morning, but she also goes to the gym in the afternoon.
  6. He not only can play the guitar, but he also writes his own songs.
  7. I not only read books, but I also watch documentaries.
  8. She not only teaches English, but she also tutors students in math.
  9. He not only enjoys playing basketball, but he also likes to watch it on TV.
  10. I not only like to cook, but I also love to bake.
  11. She not only has a bachelor's degree, but she also has a master's degree.
  12. He not only wrote a book, but he also directed a movie.
  13. I not only learned Spanish, but I also studied Italian.
  14. She not only travels to Europe, but she also visits Asia.
  15. He not only went to college, but he also got a job right after graduation.
  16. I not only listen to music, but I also play an instrument.
  17. She not only teaches history, but she also coaches the debate team.
  18. He not only speaks Mandarin, but he also understands Cantonese.
  19. I not only watched the movie, but I also read the book it was based on.
  20. She not only volunteers at the hospital, but she also donates to charity.
  21. He not only likes to hike, but he also enjoys camping.
  22. I not only have a dog, but I also have a cat.
  23. She not only works as a nurse, but she also volunteers at the animal shelter.
  24. He not only plays tennis, but he also plays golf.
  25. I not only watch TV, but I also play video games.
  26. She not only sings in the choir, but she also plays the piano.
  27. He not only studies biology, but he also conducts research.
  28. I not only go to the gym, but I also practice yoga.
  29. She not only writes poetry, but she also paints.
  30. He not only likes to cook, but he also enjoys baking.
  31. I not only speak English, but I also speak Spanish.
  32. She not only teaches art, but she also designs jewelry.
  33. He not only reads novels, but he also reads biographies.
  34. I not only work as a teacher, but I also work as a writer.
  35. She not only studies psychology, but she also practices meditation.
  36. He not only plays the piano, but he also plays the guitar.
  37. I not only like to travel, but I also like to try new foods.
  38. She not only works as a lawyer, but she also volunteers at a legal clinic.
  39. He not only likes to swim, but he also likes to surf.
  40. I not only watch movies, but I also go to the theater.
  41. She not only speaks French, but she also speaks German.
  42. He not only studies history, but he also studies politics.
  43. I not only like to read, but I also like to write.
  44. She not only works as a journalist, but she also hosts a podcast.
  45. He not only likes to bike, but he also likes to run.
  46. I not only play basketball, but I also play soccer.
  47. She not only teaches music, but she also performs at concerts.
  48. He not only likes to draw, but he also likes to sculpt.
  49. I not only work as a doctor, but I also volunteer at a clinic.
  50. She not only studies philosophy, but she also practices yoga.


上一篇 2023年06月25日18时55分03秒
下一篇 2023年06月25日18时57分15秒


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