

  1. The man who came to see me yesterday is my boss.

  2. The book that I bought yesterday is very interesting.

  3. The girl whose father is a doctor is my classmate.

  4. The car which is parked outside is mine.

  5. The teacher whom we met at the party is very nice.

  6. The house that Jack built is very big.

  7. The movie which we watched last night was amazing.

  8. The woman who is standing over there is my neighbor.

  9. The dress that she is wearing is very beautiful.

  10. The boy whose mother is a nurse is my friend.

  11. The restaurant where we had dinner last night was expensive.

  12. The dog that barked at me is very cute.

  13. The man whose car was stolen is very upset.

  14. The company which I work for is located in Beijing.

  15. The girl who is wearing a red dress is my sister.

  16. The song that she sang was very touching.

  17. The doctor who treated me was very kind.

  18. The house where I grew up is in the countryside.

  19. The book that she recommended to me is very helpful.

  20. The boy whose father is a lawyer is very smart.

  21. The school which he attended is very famous.

  22. The woman who is talking to my mother is my aunt.

  23. The cake that I made was delicious.

  24. The man whose wife is a teacher is my cousin.

  25. The car which I bought last year has been very reliable.

  26. The movie that won the award is very popular.

  27. The girl who is playing the piano is very talented.

  28. The company that he works for is a multinational corporation.

  29. The book which I read last night was very entertaining.

  30. The boy whose sister is a doctor is very friendly.

  31. The university where I studied is very prestigious.

  32. The woman who is walking her dog is my neighbor.

  33. The dress that I saw at the store is very expensive.

  34. The man whose daughter is a singer is very proud.

  35. The car which he drives to work is very luxurious.

  36. The movie that we saw last week was very funny.

  37. The girl who won the competition is very talented.

  38. The company that she started is very successful.

  39. The book which she lent me was very informative.

  40. The boy whose brother is a pilot is very adventurous.

  41. The school where I teach is very diverse.

  42. The woman who is singing is my friend.

  43. The cake that she baked was delicious.

  44. The man whose son is a doctor is very happy.

  45. The car which we rented for the weekend was very comfortable.

  46. The movie that I watched yesterday was very suspenseful.

  47. The girl who is taking a picture is very photogenic.

  48. The company that they founded is very innovative.

  49. The book which I borrowed from the library was very insightful.

  50. The boy whose grandfather is a veteran is very respectful.

  51. The university where I work is very renowned.

  52. The woman who is jogging is very fit.

  53. The dress that I bought for the party is very elegant.

  54. The man whose brother is a chef is very lucky.

  55. The car which she drives to school is very fuel-efficient.

  56. The movie that I saw with my family was very heartwarming.

  57. The girl who is playing soccer is very athletic.

  58. The company that he founded is very successful.

  59. The book which she wrote is very inspiring.

  60. The boy whose uncle is a firefighter is very brave.

  61. The school where I graduated is very competitive.

  62. The woman who is reading a book is very intelligent.

  63. The cake that we had for dessert was very delicious.

  64. The man whose wife is a lawyer is very proud.

  65. The car which they bought last month is very spacious.

  66. The movie that I saw with my friends was very entertaining.

  67. The girl who is drawing is very artistic.

  68. The company that she works for is very reputable.

  69. The book which he recommended to me was very enlightening.

  70. The boy whose cousin is a scientist is very curious.

  71. The university where I applied is very selective.

  72. The woman who is shopping is very fashionable.

  73. The dress that my sister wore to the wedding was very beautiful.

  74. The man whose daughter is a lawyer is very happy.

  75. The car which he borrowed from his friend is very fast.

  76. The movie that I rented online was very thought-provoking.

  77. The girl who is practicing the piano is very diligent.

  78. The company that they work for is very ethical.

  79. The book which she recommended to me was very engaging.

  80. The boy whose aunt is a journalist is very knowledgeable.

  81. The school where I enrolled is very modern.

  82. The woman who is cooking is very talented.

  83. The cake that my mother baked for my birthday was very delicious.

  84. The man whose son is a pilot is very proud.

  85. The car which she drives to the gym is very sporty.

  86. The movie that I watched with my girlfriend was very romantic.

  87. The girl who is playing the guitar is very passionate.

  88. The company that he works for is very customer-oriented.

  89. The book which he gave me was very informative.

  90. The boy whose father is a doctor is very compassionate.

  91. The university where I studied abroad is very diverse.

  92. The woman who is gardening is very patient.

  93. The dress that my girlfriend wore to the party was very stunning.

  94. The man whose daughter is a teacher is very proud.

  95. The car which they drove to the beach is very comfortable.

  96. The movie that I saw by myself was very inspiring.

  97. The girl who is playing volleyball is very competitive.

  98. The company that she founded is very eco-friendly.

  99. The book which she wrote is very thought-provoking.

  100. The boy whose grandfather is a farmer is very hardworking.


上一篇 2023年06月25日13时02分17秒
下一篇 2023年06月25日13时04分33秒


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