三年级英语交通工具写话 ,关于交通工具的英语作文20-50字


一篇我最喜欢的交通工具 英语作文不少于20字~最好是自己写的不要复制的

My favourite transport
Comparing to all means of transportation, I prefer to take a flight. Maybe some people argue that take a plane is the most dangerous path of travel around. They recommend that train is saver and shipping is cheaper. However, from my part of view, while taking atrain we exchange comfort for safe. In the same way, we exchange time for cheaper while shipping. A bit more dangerous as it is, taking a flight is much more comfortable and faster. In case of these, I choose flying as my best choice.



he Advangtages and Disadvantages of Different Means of Transport
Nowadays students can go to school by bus,by bike,on foot or in their parents'cars.
Taking a bus is the a good way,it is fast and cost less.But it needs fuel or gases,and it produces gases that pollute the air.
A car is a fast way too,but it costs too much,we have to spend a lot money to buy one.Besides,too many cars on the road would cause traffic jams,and it also produces bad gases.
Riding to school is good way.It needs no fuel or gases,so it causes no pollution.But it is slower than a bus or a car.
Going on foot is the cheapest way of the all.It needs nothing but our own feet.It is the most environmentally friendly way.But it also the slowest way.



I like bike very much,because it's easy and comfortable,I can go anywhere If possible,I never worry about rush hour and traffic jam.Meanwhile , I can enjoy the sight ,Bike isn't do harm to the environment too.



Bicycles, as a means of transport, are indispensable companions of most Chinese. Each Chinese family possesses at least one bicycle. China is therefore called “the Bicycle Kingdom”. The popularity of bicycles in China, I think, is mainly due to the economy of the country and its people. China, as one of the developing countries, has no financial potential to expand its roads and to manufacture so many cars to satisfy the need of so many Chinese.
Compared with cars, bicycles, however, have their own distinctive advantages. Firstly, they are very convenient. For their small size, they do not need special parking space. They can be parked almost everywhere. For their light weight, they can be carried upstairs and downstairs. Secondly, driven by man power, they don’t need fuel. Hence they have nothing to do with air pollution and energy crisis. Finally, as China is still a developing country, most people can afford a bicycle rather than a car.
With so many advantages, bicycles will remain to be an important means of transport in China in the many years to come. But I think with the rapid development of Chinese economy, more and more Chinese will own a car though cars will never completely substitute bicycles in the future.



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