



  1. able
  2. abnormal
  3. absent
  4. absolute
  5. abstract
  6. academic
  7. acceptable
  8. accessible
  9. accidental
  10. accurate
  11. active
  12. actual
  13. additional
  14. adequate
  15. administrative
  16. adult
  17. advanced
  18. adverse
  19. aesthetic
  20. afraid


  1. bad
  2. balanced
  3. basic
  4. beautiful
  5. beneficial
  6. best
  7. better
  8. big
  9. biological
  10. bitter
  11. bizarre
  12. black
  13. blank
  14. blind
  15. blond
  16. blue
  17. blunt
  18. bold
  19. boring
  20. bossy


  1. calm
  2. capable
  3. careful
  4. careless
  5. casual
  6. cautious
  7. certain
  8. challenging
  9. charming
  10. cheap
  11. cheerful
  12. chemical
  13. chief
  14. childish
  15. chilly
  16. choice
  17. chronic
  18. chubby
  19. circular
  20. civic


  1. daily
  2. damaging
  3. dangerous
  4. dark
  5. dead
  6. dear
  7. decent
  8. deep
  9. defective
  10. defensive
  11. definite
  12. delicate
  13. delicious
  14. delightful
  15. democratic
  16. dependent
  17. depressed
  18. descriptive
  19. desirable
  20. destructive


  1. eager
  2. early
  3. easy
  4. economic
  5. educational
  6. effective
  7. efficient
  8. elaborate
  9. elderly
  10. electric
  11. elegant
  12. elementary
  13. embarrassing
  14. emotional
  15. empty
  16. energetic
  17. entertaining
  18. enthusiastic
  19. essential
  20. eternal


  1. fabulous
  2. fair
  3. faithful
  4. false
  5. familiar
  6. famous
  7. fantastic
  8. far
  9. fast
  10. fatal
  11. fat
  12. fearful
  13. fearless
  14. feisty
  15. feminine
  16. festive
  17. few
  18. fierce
  19. filthy
  20. final


  1. gainful
  2. gallant
  3. game
  4. general
  5. generous
  6. gentle
  7. genuine
  8. giant
  9. gifted
  10. glamorous
  11. gleaming
  12. glorious
  13. glowing
  14. good
  15. gorgeous
  16. graceful
  17. grand
  18. grateful
  19. gray
  20. great


  1. handsome
  2. happy
  3. hard
  4. harmful
  5. harsh
  6. haunting
  7. healthy
  8. heavy
  9. helpful
  10. hesitant
  11. hidden
  12. high
  13. hilarious
  14. historic
  15. hollow
  16. holy
  17. home
  18. honest
  19. hopeful
  20. horrible


  1. ideal
  2. identical
  3. ignorant
  4. illegal
  5. ill-fated
  6. ill-informed
  7. illiterate
  8. illusive
  9. imaginary
  10. immense
  11. immediate
  12. imperial
  13. important
  14. impossible
  15. impressive
  16. inaccurate
  17. inactive
  18. inappropriate
  19. infamous
  20. infantile


  1. jaded
  2. jagged
  3. jealous
  4. jittery
  5. jovial
  6. joyful
  7. jubilant
  8. judicial
  9. juicy
  10. jumbo


  1. keen
  2. key
  3. kind
  4. kosher


  1. laborious
  2. lackadaisical
  3. ladylike
  4. lame
  5. languid
  6. large
  7. last
  8. late
  9. laughable
  10. lazy
  11. lean
  12. learned
  13. left
  14. legal
  15. lethargic
  16. level
  17. liberal
  18. light
  19. likeable
  20. limited


  1. mad
  2. magical
  3. magnificent
  4. majestic
  5. male
  6. malicious
  7. mammoth
  8. many
  9. marked
  10. massive
  11. mature
  12. meager
  13. mean
  14. measured
  15. mechanical
  16. medical
  17. meek
  18. melancholy
  19. mellow
  20. memorable


  1. naive
  2. narrow
  3. nasty
  4. national
  5. natural
  6. naughty
  7. naval
  8. necessary
  9. needy
  10. negative
  11. nervous
  12. new
  13. nice
  14. nifty
  15. nimble
  16. noble
  17. noisy
  18. nonchalant
  19. normal
  20. nostalgic


  1. obedient
  2. objective
  3. obligatory
  4. obnoxious
  5. obscure
  6. obsequious
  7. observant
  8. obsolete
  9. obstinate
  10. obtainable
  11. obvious
  12. occasional
  13. odd
  14. offensive
  15. official
  16. old
  17. open
  18. optimistic
  19. orange
  20. ordinary


  1. painful
  2. pale
  3. paltry
  4. panic
  5. panicky
  6. parallel
  7. paranoid
  8. parched
  9. parsimonious
  10. partial
  11. passionate
  12. passive
  13. past
  14. pathetic
  15. patient
  16. peaceful
  17. peculiar
  18. penny-wise
  19. perfect
  20. periodic


  1. quaint
  2. qualified
  3. quick
  4. quiet
  5. quirky


  1. rabid
  2. racial
  3. ragged
  4. rainy
  5. rambunctious
  6. rampant
  7. rapid
  8. rare
  9. raspy
  10. rational
  11. raw
  12. realistic
  13. reasonable
  14. rebellious
  15. receptive
  16. recumbent
  17. red
  18. redundant
  19. reflective
  20. regular


  1. sad
  2. safe
  3. sagacious
  4. sage
  5. salient
  6. salty
  7. same
  8. sanguine
  9. sarcastic
  10. sassy
  11. satisfied
  12. scary
  13. scientific
  14. scintillating
  15. scrawny
  16. second
  17. secret
  18. secure
  19. sedate
  20. selfish


  1. tacit
  2. tacky
  3. tall
  4. tame
  5. tangible
  6. tart
  7. tasteless
  8. tasty
  9. tawdry
  10. tearful
  11. tedious
  12. teeny-tiny
  13. telling
  14. temporary
  15. tenacious
  16. tender
  17. tense
  18. terrible
  19. terrific
  20. testy


  1. ubiquitous
  2. ugly
  3. ultimate
  4. ultra
  5. unable
  6. unambiguous
  7. unapproachable
  8. unattractive
  9. unbecoming
  10. unblemished
  11. uncomfortable
  12. uncommon
  13. uncommunicative
  14. unconscious
  15. unconscionable
  16. unconscious
  17. uncooperative
  18. underhanded
  19. undernourished
  20. undersized


  1. vacuous
  2. vagrant
  3. vain
  4. valiant
  5. valid
  6. valuable
  7. vapid
  8. variable
  9. various
  10. vast
  11. vehement
  12. venal
  13. vendible
  14. venomous
  15. veracious
  16. verbal
  17. verdant
  18. versatile
  19. vexatious
  20. vexed


  1. wacky
  2. waggish
  3. wan
  4. wanton
  5. warm
  6. wary
  7. wasteful
  8. watery
  9. weak
  10. wealthy
  11. weary
  12. well-groomed
  13. well-off
  14. well-to-do
  15. well-worn
  16. wet
  17. whimsical
  18. whole
  19. wholesale
  20. wicked


  1. xenophobic


  1. yellow
  2. yielding
  3. young
  4. youth


  1. zany
  2. zealous
  3. zesty
  4. zigzag
  5. zippy


上一篇 2023年06月16日17时08分35秒
下一篇 2023年06月16日17时10分44秒


  • 独立主格结构的三种形式

    本文目录 1. 动名词短语作主语 2. 名词短语作主语 3. 从句作主语 在英语语法中,独立主格结构是一种常见的语法结构,它可以用来描述一个动作或情况发生的方式或原因。独立主格结构的形式很灵活,主要有以下三种形式: 1. 动名词短语作主语 这种形式的独立主格结构通常由一个动名词短语作为主语,后接一个介词短语。例如: Dancing on the stage, she felt confident …

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  • children可以作单数吗

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  • 英语名词短语结构举例

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  • Play第三人称单数形式

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  • see在第三人称需要加s吗

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  • 月底的第三人称单数形式

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