



  1. accept
  2. achieve
  3. act
  4. add
  5. admire
  6. admit
  7. advise
  8. affect
  9. agree
  10. aim
  11. allow
  12. announce
  13. answer
  14. appear
  15. apply
  16. arise
  17. arrange
  18. arrive
  19. ask
  20. assess


  1. back
  2. bake
  3. balance
  4. ban
  5. bang
  6. base
  7. bat
  8. bear
  9. beat
  10. become
  11. beg
  12. begin
  13. behave
  14. believe
  15. belong
  16. bend
  17. bet
  18. bid
  19. bind
  20. bite


  1. calculate
  2. call
  3. can
  4. care
  5. carry
  6. carve
  7. cause
  8. challenge
  9. change
  10. charge
  11. chase
  12. cheat
  13. check
  14. cheer
  15. choose
  16. circle
  17. claim
  18. clarify
  19. classify
  20. clean


  1. damage
  2. dance
  3. dare
  4. deal
  5. debate
  6. decide
  7. decorate
  8. decrease
  9. delay
  10. deliver
  11. demand
  12. demonstrate
  13. depend
  14. describe
  15. design
  16. destroy
  17. detail
  18. develop
  19. die
  20. differ


  1. earn
  2. eat
  3. educate
  4. eliminate
  5. embarrass
  6. employ
  7. encourage
  8. end
  9. enforce
  10. engage
  11. enhance
  12. enjoy
  13. ensure
  14. enter
  15. entertain
  16. establish
  17. estimate
  18. evaluate
  19. even
  20. examine


  1. face
  2. fail
  3. fall
  4. fear
  5. feed
  6. feel
  7. fight
  8. fill
  9. find
  10. finish
  11. fit
  12. fix
  13. flee
  14. float
  15. flood
  16. focus
  17. fold
  18. follow
  19. forbid
  20. force


  1. gain
  2. gather
  3. gaze
  4. generate
  5. get
  6. give
  7. go
  8. govern
  9. grab
  10. graduate
  11. grant
  12. greet
  13. grin
  14. grind
  15. grip
  16. groan
  17. grow
  18. guarantee
  19. guess
  20. guide


  1. handle
  2. hang
  3. happen
  4. harass
  5. harm
  6. hate
  7. have
  8. head
  9. heal
  10. hear
  11. heat
  12. help
  13. hesitate
  14. hide
  15. highlight
  16. hire
  17. hit
  18. hold
  19. hope
  20. horrify


  1. identify
  2. ignore
  3. illustrate
  4. imagine
  5. impact
  6. imply
  7. impress
  8. improve
  9. include
  10. increase
  11. indicate
  12. influence
  13. inform
  14. initiate
  15. injure
  16. innovate
  17. input
  18. inspect
  19. inspire
  20. install


  1. jam
  2. join
  3. joke
  4. judge
  5. jump


  1. keep
  2. kick
  3. kill
  4. kiss
  5. kneel
  6. knit
  7. know


  1. label
  2. land
  3. laugh
  4. launch
  5. lay
  6. lead
  7. lean
  8. leap
  9. learn
  10. leave
  11. lend
  12. let
  13. level
  14. license
  15. lick
  16. lie
  17. lift
  18. light
  19. like
  20. limit


  1. maintain
  2. make
  3. manage
  4. manufacture
  5. map
  6. mark
  7. marry
  8. match
  9. matter
  10. mean
  11. measure
  12. meet
  13. melt
  14. mend
  15. mention
  16. merge
  17. microwave
  18. mind
  19. miss
  20. mix


  1. name
  2. nap
  3. need
  4. negotiate
  5. nest
  6. nod
  7. note
  8. notice
  9. number
  10. nurse


  1. obey
  2. object
  3. observe
  4. obtain
  5. occur
  6. offend
  7. offer
  8. open
  9. operate
  10. order
  11. organize
  12. originate
  13. overcome
  14. overdo
  15. owe
  16. own


  1. pack
  2. paint
  3. park
  4. part
  5. participate
  6. pass
  7. pay
  8. perceive
  9. perform
  10. permit
  11. persuade
  12. phone
  13. place
  14. plan
  15. play
  16. plead
  17. pledge
  18. point
  19. polish
  20. pop


  1. qualify
  2. question
  3. quit


  1. race
  2. rain
  3. raise
  4. rank
  5. reach
  6. read
  7. realize
  8. receive
  9. recommend
  10. record
  11. recover
  12. reduce
  13. refer
  14. reflect
  15. refuse
  16. regret
  17. relate
  18. relax
  19. release
  20. rely


  1. satisfy
  2. save
  3. say
  4. scan
  5. schedule
  6. score
  7. scrape
  8. scratch
  9. scream
  10. search
  11. secure
  12. see
  13. seek
  14. select
  15. sell
  16. send
  17. sense
  18. separate
  19. serve
  20. set


  1. talk
  2. target
  3. teach
  4. tear
  5. tell
  6. tend
  7. test
  8. thank
  9. think
  10. thrive
  11. throw
  12. tie
  13. time
  14. tip
  15. tire
  16. touch
  17. train
  18. transfer
  19. transform
  20. translate


  1. uncover
  2. understand
  3. undertake
  4. undo
  5. update
  6. upgrade
  7. uphold
  8. use


  1. validate
  2. value
  3. vary
  4. verify
  5. visit
  6. voice
  7. volunteer


  1. wait
  2. wake
  3. walk
  4. want
  5. warm
  6. warn
  7. wash
  8. waste
  9. watch
  10. water
  11. wave
  12. wear
  13. weigh
  14. welcome
  15. whip
  16. whisper
  17. win
  18. wipe
  19. wish
  20. wonder


  1. yearn
  2. yell
  3. yield


  1. zap
  2. zip
  3. zoom
上一篇 2023年06月13日10时01分01秒
下一篇 2023年06月13日10时03分13秒


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