

  1. I know that you are busy.
  2. He said that he would come to see me tomorrow.
  3. Do you think that she will pass the exam?
  4. She asked me if I could give her a ride home.
  5. He wanted to know where I was going.
  6. I doubt whether he will come.
  7. She wonders why he is so late.
  8. He asked me how old I was.
  9. I don't know what he wants from me.
  10. She told me who had called her last night.
  11. I hope that you will be able to come to my party.
  12. He suggested that we should go out for dinner.
  13. Do you believe that ghosts exist?
  14. She asked me whether I had seen the movie.
  15. He wondered if he should ask her out.
  16. I don't think that it will rain today.
  17. She told me when she would arrive.
  18. He asked me why I didn't come to the meeting.
  19. I'm not sure whether I should buy this dress or not.
  20. She wanted to know if I had finished the report.
  21. He said that he had already eaten.
  22. I wonder whether he will accept the job offer.
  23. Do you know who he is?
  24. She asked me if I had any siblings.
  25. He wondered where he had left his keys.
  26. I hope that you will enjoy your trip.
  27. She told me what she had done last weekend.
  28. He suggested that we should watch a movie together.
  29. Do you think that he is telling the truth?
  30. She asked me when the next train would arrive.
  31. I doubt that he will be able to finish the project on time.
  32. He wanted to know how to cook spaghetti.
  33. I don't know where I put my phone.
  34. She told me who her favorite singer was.
  35. He asked me if I had seen the news.
  36. I wonder if she likes me or not.
  37. Do you believe that aliens exist?
  38. She wanted to know if I had any plans for the weekend.
  39. He said that he would help me with the presentation.
  40. I hope that you will have a good time at the concert.
  41. She asked me whether I had read the book.
  42. He wondered when the party would start.
  43. I don't think that she will come to the party.
  44. She told me where she had bought the dress.
  45. He asked me why I had quit my job.
  46. I wonder whether he will call me back.
  47. Do you know what time it is?
  48. She wanted to know if I was feeling better.
  49. He suggested that we should go on a trip together.
  50. Do you think that the restaurant is good?
  51. She asked me when I would finish the project.
  52. I doubt that he will be able to solve the problem.
  53. He wanted to know how to say "hello" in French.
  54. I don't know how to fix the computer.
  55. She told me who her favorite actor was.
  56. He asked me if I had any plans for the weekend.
  57. I wonder if he will like the gift.
  58. Do you believe that dreams can come true?
  59. She wanted to know if I could lend her some money.
  60. He said that he was sorry for being late.
  61. I hope that you will pass the exam.
  62. She asked me whether I had seen the new movie.
  63. He wondered where he could find a good restaurant.
  64. I don't think that he is a good person.
  65. She told me why she had decided to study abroad.
  66. He asked me if I wanted to go to the concert.
  67. I wonder whether she will come to the party.
  68. Do you know how to cook spaghetti?
  69. She wanted to know if I had any suggestions for the project.
  70. He suggested that we should have a picnic in the park.
  71. Do you think that he is right?
  72. She asked me when I would be able to finish the report.
  73. I doubt that he will be able to pass the test.
  74. He wanted to know how to improve his English.
  75. I don't know where I can find a good book.
  76. She told me who her favorite author was.
  77. He asked me if I had any recommendations for a good movie.
  78. I wonder if he will remember my birthday.
  79. Do you believe that love can conquer all?
  80. She wanted to know if I had any plans for the summer.
  81. He said that he had already bought the tickets.
  82. I hope that you will be able to come to my wedding.
  83. She asked me whether I had ever been to Paris.
  84. He wondered where he could buy a new car.
  85. I don't think that he will be able to finish the project on time.
  86. She told me where she had met her boyfriend.
  87. He asked me why I had decided to study abroad.
  88. I wonder whether he will like the restaurant.
  89. Do you know what she is talking about?
  90. She wanted to know if I had any experience in sales.
  91. He suggested that we should try a new restaurant.
  92. Do you think that she is telling the truth?
  93. She asked me when I would be able to start the job.
  94. I doubt that he will be able to win the game.
  95. He wanted to know how to fix the bike.
  96. I don't know where I can find a good coffee shop.
  97. She told me who had won the award.
  98. He asked me if I had any suggestions for a good book.
  99. I wonder if he will be able to finish the project on time.
  100. Do you believe that happiness is the most important thing in life?


上一篇 2023年06月11日10时03分26秒
下一篇 2023年06月11日10时05分33秒


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