

  1. She asked me [what time it was]. 答案:what time it was

  2. He didn't know [where he put his keys]. 答案:where he put his keys

  3. I wonder [if she will come to the party]. 答案:if she will come to the party

  4. Do you know [who is in charge of this project]? 答案:who is in charge of this project

  5. She told me [that she was going to quit her job]. 答案:that she was going to quit her job

  6. He asked her [how long she had been waiting]. 答案:how long she had been waiting

  7. I don't remember [where I put my phone]. 答案:where I put my phone

  8. Do you know [when the next train leaves]? 答案:when the next train leaves

  9. She asked me [why I was late]. 答案:why I was late

  10. He doesn't know [how to solve this problem]. 答案:how to solve this problem

  11. I wonder [whether it's going to rain tomorrow]. 答案:whether it's going to rain tomorrow

  12. Do you know [who won the game]? 答案:who won the game

  13. She told me [that she had already finished her homework]. 答案:that she had already finished her homework

  14. He asked her [if she wanted to go to the movies with him]. 答案:if she wanted to go to the movies with him

  15. I don't remember [what we talked about at the meeting]. 答案:what we talked about at the meeting

  16. Do you know [where the nearest gas station is]? 答案:where the nearest gas station is

  17. She asked me [whether I was going to the party]. 答案:whether I was going to the party

  18. He didn't know [why his computer wasn't working]. 答案:why his computer wasn't working

  19. I wonder [how much this dress costs]. 答案:how much this dress costs

  20. Do you know [who wrote this book]? 答案:who wrote this book

  21. She told me [that she had to leave early]. 答案:that she had to leave early

  22. He asked her [when she was planning to go on vacation]. 答案:when she was planning to go on vacation

  23. I don't remember [if I turned off the stove]. 答案:if I turned off the stove

  24. Do you know [where I can find a good restaurant]? 答案:where I can find a good restaurant

  25. She asked me [what I was doing later]. 答案:what I was doing later

  26. He didn't know [how to get to the airport]. 答案:how to get to the airport

  27. I wonder [if he likes me]. 答案:if he likes me

  28. Do you know [who designed this building]? 答案:who designed this building

  29. She told me [that she had a headache]. 答案:that she had a headache

  30. He asked her [if she had seen the latest movie]. 答案:if she had seen the latest movie

  31. I don't remember [where I parked my car]. 答案:where I parked my car

  32. Do you know [when the store closes]? 答案:when the store closes

  33. She asked me [why I was crying]. 答案:why I was crying

  34. He didn't know [what to do next]. 答案:what to do next

  35. I wonder [if he will call me back]. 答案:if he will call me back

  36. Do you know [who painted this picture]? 答案:who painted this picture

  37. She told me [that she had just moved to the city]. 答案:that she had just moved to the city

  38. He asked her [where she was from]. 答案:where she was from

  39. I don't remember [how to spell that word]. 答案:how to spell that word

  40. Do you know [where the restroom is]? 答案:where the restroom is

  41. She asked me [what my plans were for the weekend]. 答案:what my plans were for the weekend

  42. He didn't know [who to talk to about the problem]. 答案:who to talk to about the problem

  43. I wonder [if I left my wallet at home]. 答案:if I left my wallet at home

  44. Do you know [who directed this movie]? 答案:who directed this movie

  45. She told me [that she had to go to the doctor]. 答案:that she had to go to the doctor

  46. He asked her [if she wanted to go for a walk]. 答案:if she wanted to go for a walk

  47. I don't remember [where I put my glasses]. 答案:where I put my glasses

  48. Do you know [when the next bus arrives]? 答案:when the next bus arrives

  49. She asked me [why I wasn't at the party last night]. 答案:why I wasn't at the party last night

  50. He didn't know [how to fix the leaky faucet]. 答案:how to fix the leaky faucet


上一篇 2023年06月11日09时59分03秒
下一篇 2023年06月11日10时01分15秒


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