



  1. I don't know whether he will come or not.
  2. She asked me if I had finished my homework.
  3. He asked me what my name was.
  4. Do you know where he went?
  5. She asked him if he could help her.
  6. I don't remember what he said.
  7. He asked me when the next train was.
  8. Can you tell me how to get to the library?
  9. She asked me why I was late.
  10. They are discussing whether to go or not.


  1. I don't know if he is telling the truth.
  2. He asked me if I had seen the movie.
  3. She asked me who my favorite singer was.
  4. I don't know where my keys are.
  5. Can you tell me what time it is?
  6. He asked me if I had been to New York before.
  7. She asked me if I liked coffee.
  8. I don't know how to solve this problem.
  9. He asked me if I could lend him some money.
  10. She asked me when I was going to visit her.


  1. Do you know if the store is still open?
  2. He asked me if I wanted to go to the party.
  3. She asked me if I had finished my dinner.
  4. I don't know who she is talking to.
  5. Can you tell me what the weather is like today?
  6. He asked me if I had a pen.
  7. She asked me if I had read the book.
  8. I don't know if he is coming with us.
  9. He asked me if I had a car.
  10. She asked me if I had any siblings.


  1. Do you know if he is married?
  2. He asked me if I could speak French.
  3. She asked me if I had a boyfriend.
  4. I don't know what she is cooking.
  5. Can you tell me if the train is on time?
  6. He asked me if I had a pet.
  7. She asked me if I had a job.
  8. I don't know if he is coming to the meeting.
  9. He asked me if I had a cell phone.
  10. She asked me if I had seen the news.


  1. Do you know if they are still together?
  2. He asked me if I had a computer.
  3. She asked me if I had a passport.
  4. I don't know what he is doing right now.
  5. Can you tell me if the restaurant is good?
  6. He asked me if I had a camera.
  7. She asked me if I had a driver's license.
  8. I don't know if he is going to the concert.
  9. He asked me if I had a favorite color.
  10. She asked me if I had a favorite movie.


  1. Do you know if he is a good student?
  2. He asked me if I had a favorite book.
  3. She asked me if I had a favorite food.
  4. I don't know what she is wearing tonight.
  5. Can you tell me if there is a bookstore nearby?
  6. He asked me if I had a favorite sport.
  7. She asked me if I had a favorite hobby.
  8. I don't know if he is a good driver.
  9. He asked me if I had a favorite animal.
  10. She asked me if I had a favorite TV show.


  1. Do you know if he is a good singer?
  2. He asked me if I had a favorite singer.
  3. She asked me if I had a favorite band.
  4. I don't know what she is studying in college.
  5. Can you tell me if there is a park nearby?
  6. He asked me if I had a favorite restaurant.
  7. She asked me if I had a favorite vacation spot.
  8. I don't know if he is a good cook.
  9. He asked me if I had a favorite teacher.
  10. She asked me if I had a favorite subject.


  1. Do you know if he is a good writer?
  2. He asked me if I had a favorite writer.
  3. She asked me if I had a favorite song.
  4. I don't know what he is majoring in.
  5. Can you tell me if there is a hospital nearby?
  6. He asked me if I had a favorite actor.
  7. She asked me if I had a favorite actress.
  8. I don't know if he is a good dancer.
  9. He asked me if I had a favorite season.
  10. She asked me if I had a favorite holiday.


  1. Do you know if he is a good athlete?
  2. He asked me if I had a favorite athlete.
  3. She asked me if I had a favorite color.
  4. I don't know what he is going to wear to the party.
  5. Can you tell me if there is a pharmacy nearby?
  6. He asked me if I had a favorite musician.
  7. She asked me if I had a favorite song.
  8. I don't know if he is a good artist.
  9. He asked me if I had a favorite painting.
  10. She asked me if I had a favorite sculpture.


  1. Do you know if he is a good photographer?
  2. He asked me if I had a favorite photograph.
  3. She asked me if I had a favorite movie star.
  4. I don't know what he is going to say at the meeting.
  5. Can you tell me if there is a gas station nearby?
  6. He asked me if I had a favorite author.
  7. She asked me if I had a favorite poet.
  8. I don't know if he is a good singer.
  9. He asked me if I had a favorite song.
  10. She asked me if I had a favorite instrument.


上一篇 2023年06月11日09时51分17秒
下一篇 2023年06月11日09时53分29秒


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