

  1. What _______________ (you, do) at 9pm last night?

    • were you doing
  2. She _______________ (watch) TV when I called her.

    • was watching
  3. They _______________ (play) basketball when it started raining.

    • were playing
  4. I _______________ (study) for my exam all night.

    • was studying
  5. What _______________ (you, eat) when I called you?

    • were you eating
  6. He _______________ (drive) to the store when he saw the accident.

    • was driving
  7. We _______________ (sleep) when the phone rang.

    • were sleeping
  8. They _______________ (dance) at the party when I arrived.

    • were dancing
  9. She _______________ (read) a book while waiting for the bus.

    • was reading
  10. What _______________ (you, wear) when you saw him?

  • were you wearing
  1. John _______________ (cook) dinner when the guests arrived.
  • was cooking
  1. They _______________ (talk) about the movie when I walked in.
  • were talking
  1. He _______________ (work) at a restaurant last summer.
  • was working
  1. She _______________ (listen) to music while doing her homework.
  • was listening
  1. What _______________ (you, think) when you saw the movie?
  • were you thinking
  1. They _______________ (swim) in the pool when it started to thunder.
  • were swimming
  1. He _______________ (fix) his bike when it broke down.
  • was fixing
  1. She _______________ (paint) a picture when I came over.
  • was painting
  1. They _______________ (watch) the sunset when they saw a shooting star.
  • were watching
  1. What _______________ (you, do) when you heard the news?
  • were you doing
  1. I _______________ (teach) English when I lived in China.
  • was teaching
  1. They _______________ (wait) for the bus when they saw their friend.
  • were waiting
  1. She _______________ (walk) to the park every day last summer.
  • was walking
  1. What _______________ (you, drink) when you started to feel sick?
  • were you drinking
  1. He _______________ (run) in the park when he sprained his ankle.
  • was running
  1. They _______________ (laugh) at the joke when the teacher walked in.
  • were laughing
  1. She _______________ (study) French in college.
  • was studying
  1. What _______________ (you, wear) to the party last night?
  • were you wearing
  1. He _______________ (play) guitar when he was younger.
  • was playing
  1. They _______________ (make) dinner when the power went out.
  • were making
  1. She _______________ (wait) for her friend at the airport.
  • was waiting
  1. What _______________ (you, write) when you ran out of ink?
  • were you writing
  1. He _______________ (bike) to work every day last summer.
  • was biking
  1. They _______________ (watch) the storm from their window.
  • were watching
  1. She _______________ (listen) to the radio while driving to work.
  • was listening
  1. What _______________ (you, think) when you saw the news?
  • were you thinking
  1. He _______________ (study) math in college.
  • was studying
  1. They _______________ (dance) at their wedding when it started to rain.
  • were dancing
  1. She _______________ (swim) in the ocean every day last summer.
  • was swimming
  1. What _______________ (you, do) when you lost your keys?
  • were you doing
  1. I _______________ (sing) in the choir when I was in high school.
  • was singing
  1. They _______________ (play) cards when their friends arrived.
  • were playing
  1. He _______________ (surf) every day during his vacation.
  • was surfing
  1. She _______________ (clean) the house when I came over.
  • was cleaning
  1. What _______________ (you, eat) for breakfast yesterday?
  • were you eating
  1. They _______________ (hike) in the mountains every weekend.
  • were hiking
  1. She _______________ (knit) a sweater for her daughter.
  • was knitting
  1. What _______________ (you, watch) on TV when you fell asleep?
  • were you watching
  1. He _______________ (ski) every winter when he was younger.
  • was skiing
  1. They _______________ (study) for their exams when the library closed.
  • were studying


上一篇 2023年06月10日08时04分30秒
下一篇 2023年06月10日08时06分42秒


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