

  1. I have finished my homework.
  2. He has studied English for five years.
  3. They have visited Paris twice.
  4. She has lived in New York for three years.
  5. We have seen that movie before.
  6. He has lost his keys again.
  7. She has cooked dinner for us.
  8. They have played soccer for two hours.
  9. I have read this book already.
  10. He has bought a new car.
  11. They have been married for ten years.
  12. She has learned to play the guitar.
  13. We have visited the museum many times.
  14. He has worked here for six months.
  15. She has finished her degree.
  16. They have traveled to many countries.
  17. I have been to Japan twice.
  18. He has written a novel.
  19. They have watched the sunset together.
  20. She has taught English for ten years.
  21. We have had a great time.
  22. He has grown a beard.
  23. She has sung in a choir before.
  24. They have gone to the beach.
  25. I have taken a lot of photos.
  26. He has fixed the car.
  27. She has cleaned the house.
  28. They have run a marathon.
  29. We have eaten at that restaurant before.
  30. He has learned to speak French.
  31. She has won a prize.
  32. They have gone fishing.
  33. I have finished my coffee.
  34. He has played the piano since he was a child.
  35. She has bought a new dress.
  36. They have hiked in the mountains.
  37. We have seen the Northern Lights.
  38. He has painted the house.
  39. She has danced in a ballet.
  40. They have celebrated their anniversary.
  41. I have visited my grandparents.
  42. He has sung in a band.
  43. She has written a song.
  44. They have gone skiing.
  45. We have watched the fireworks.
  46. He has taken a photography course.
  47. She has trained for a marathon.
  48. They have planted a garden.
  49. I have finished my project.
  50. He has started a business.
  51. She has learned to swim.
  52. They have visited a castle.
  53. We have seen a whale.
  54. He has run a half-marathon.
  55. She has baked a cake.
  56. They have gone snowboarding.
  57. I have seen the Eiffel Tower.
  58. He has played in a band.
  59. She has learned to drive.
  60. They have climbed a mountain.
  61. We have gone on a road trip.
  62. He has written a poem.
  63. She has gone skydiving.
  64. They have gone on a cruise.
  65. I have finished my work.
  66. He has studied abroad.
  67. She has painted a picture.
  68. They have gone to a music festival.
  69. We have seen a Broadway show.
  70. He has learned to surf.
  71. She has gone scuba diving.
  72. They have gone to a wine tasting.
  73. I have finished my book.
  74. He has played in a soccer tournament.
  75. She has learned to cook.
  76. They have gone on a safari.
  77. We have seen a glacier.
  78. He has gone backpacking.
  79. She has gone bungee jumping.
  80. They have gone to a baseball game.
  81. I have finished my essay.
  82. He has played in a basketball league.
  83. She has learned to knit.
  84. They have gone on a hot air balloon ride.
  85. We have seen a volcano.
  86. He has gone camping.
  87. She has gone horseback riding.
  88. They have gone to a beer festival.
  89. I have finished my presentation.
  90. He has played in a golf tournament.
  91. She has learned to sew.
  92. They have gone to a food festival.
  93. We have seen a desert.
  94. He has gone fishing in a river.
  95. She has gone rock climbing.
  96. They have gone to a carnival.
  97. I have finished my exam.
  98. He has played in a tennis tournament.
  99. She has learned to code.
  100. They have gone to a film festival.


上一篇 2023年06月09日18时48分26秒
下一篇 2023年06月09日18时50分39秒


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