
关系代词是英语中一类常用的代词,用来连接两个句子或者从句。在英语语法中,关系代词包括 that, which, who, whom, whose。下面是20个关系代词的例句:

  1. The book that I borrowed from the library was very interesting.
  2. The car which parked in front of my house is blocking my driveway.
  3. The woman who lives next door to me has a beautiful garden.
  4. The man whom I met at the party is a famous actor.
  5. The dog whose bark is very loud belongs to my neighbor.
  6. The cake that my mom baked for my birthday was delicious.
  7. The movie which we watched last night was very scary.
  8. The teacher who teaches math is very strict.
  9. The student whom I tutored got an A on his exam.
  10. The dress whose color is blue looks good on you.
  11. The laptop that I bought last month is very fast.
  12. The song which is playing on the radio is my favorite.
  13. The doctor who treated me was very kind and patient.
  14. The friend whom I went to the concert with is a big fan of the band.
  15. The house whose roof is red is for sale.
  16. The book that I recommended to my friend was very inspiring.
  17. The restaurant which specializes in Italian food is always crowded.
  18. The manager who interviewed me for the job was impressed with my skills.
  19. The artist whose paintings are on display at the gallery is very talented.
  20. The phone that I lost last week was very expensive.


上一篇 2023年06月07日10时07分05秒
下一篇 2023年06月07日10时09分17秒


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