



  1. If I were you,I would buy that house.
  2. If he had studied harder,he would have passed the exam.
  3. If it weren't raining,we would go for a walk.
  4. If I had more money,I would travel the world.
  5. If I had known earlier,I would have come to the party.


  1. I wish I were taller.
  2. I wish I could speak French fluently.
  3. I wish I had a bigger house.
  4. I wish I didn't have to work so hard.
  5. I wish I could go back in time and change things.


  1. I suggest that he take a break.
  2. I suggest that we go to the beach this weekend.
  3. I suggest that you see a doctor.
  4. I suggest that they try a different approach.
  5. I suggest that she study harder for the exam.


  1. I demand that he apologize.
  2. I insist that she be on time.
  3. I order that they stop talking.
  4. I propose that we have a meeting.
  5. I request that he send me the report.


  1. If I had wings,I would fly.

  2. If I were rich,I would buy a yacht.

  3. If he had listened to my advice,he wouldn't be in trouble now.

  4. If it were not for the rain,we would have gone to the park.

  5. If I could turn back time,I would make different choices.

  6. If he were smarter,he would have figured it out.

  7. If she had been more careful,she wouldn't have broken the vase.

  8. If it weren't for his help,I wouldn't have finished the project.

  9. If I had taken the train,I wouldn't have been stuck in traffic.

  10. If it weren't for the cold weather,we would have enjoyed the trip.

  11. If he hadn't missed the flight,he would have arrived on time.

  12. If she were a better driver,she wouldn't have crashed the car.

  13. If it weren't for his laziness,he would have finished the task.

  14. If I had known the truth,I wouldn't have trusted him.

  15. If it weren't for the noise,I could concentrate on my work.

  16. If he were more confident,he would have asked her out.

  17. If she had studied harder,she would have passed the exam.

  18. If it weren't for the traffic jam,we would have arrived on time.

  19. If I had more time,I would have read the book.

  20. If it weren't for his bad temper,we could have been friends.

  21. If he had been more careful,he wouldn't have hurt himself.

  22. If she were more organized,she wouldn't forget things.

  23. If it weren't for the rain,we could have gone hiking.

  24. If I had a car,I could drive to work.

  25. If it weren't for her kindness,I would have been lost.

  26. If he were more patient,he would have succeeded.

  27. If she had listened to me,she wouldn't have made the mistake.

  28. If it weren't for the noise outside,I could sleep well.

  29. If I had more experience,I would have done better.

  30. If it weren't for the bad weather,we could have gone to the beach.

  31. If he had met her earlier,they would have fallen in love.

  32. If she were more talented,she would have become a famous artist.

  33. If it weren't for his stubbornness,he would have accepted the offer.

  34. If I had more money,I would have invested in the stock market.

  35. If it weren't for his dishonesty,we could have trusted him.

  36. If he were more ambitious,he would have pursued his dream.

  37. If she had been more careful with her words,she wouldn't have offended him.

  38. If it weren't for the traffic,we would have arrived earlier.

  39. If I had known him better,I wouldn't have invited him to the party.

  40. If it weren't for her generosity,I would have been in trouble.

  41. If he had been more attentive,he wouldn't have missed the details.

  42. If she were more confident,she would have spoken up.

  43. If it weren't for the noise pollution,we could enjoy the nature.

  44. If I had more knowledge,I would have understood the concept.

  45. If it weren't for his arrogance,we could have been friends.

  46. If he were more responsible,he would have finished the project on time.

  47. If she had been more patient,she wouldn't have given up.

  48. If it weren't for the budget constraint,we could have implemented the plan.

  49. If I had more skills,I could have done the job.

  50. If it weren't for her support,I couldn't have achieved the goal.

  51. If he had been more polite,he wouldn't have offended her.

  52. If she were more creative,she would have come up with a better idea.

  53. If it weren't for the technical issue,we would have completed the task.

  54. If I had more resources,I could have started my own business.

  55. If it weren't for his impatience,we could have enjoyed the meal.

  56. If he were more punctual,he wouldn't have missed the meeting.

  57. If she had been more decisive,she wouldn't have hesitated.

  58. If it weren't for the financial crisis,we would have expanded the business.

  59. If I had more connections,I could have found a better job.

  60. If it weren't for her dedication,we couldn't have succeeded.

  61. If he had been more organized,he wouldn't have forgotten the deadline.

  62. If she were more open-minded,she would have considered other options.

  63. If it weren't for the natural disaster,we would have completed the project.

  64. If I had more time management skills,I could have balanced my work and life.

  65. If it weren't for his jealousy,we could have had a happy relationship.

  66. If he were more cooperative,he wouldn't have caused conflicts.

  67. If she had been more attentive,she wouldn't have missed the opportunity.

  68. If it weren't for the misunderstanding,we would have resolved the issue.

  69. If I had more communication skills,I could have built better relationships.

  70. If it weren't for his insecurity,we could have trusted him.

  71. If he had been more transparent,he wouldn't have hidden the truth.

  72. If she were more understanding,she would have empathized with him.

  73. If it weren't for the technicalities,we would have signed the contract.

  74. If I had more creativity,I could have developed a new product.

  75. If it weren't for his negativity,we could have had a positive outcome.

  76. If he were more forgiving,he wouldn't have held a grudge.

  77. If she had been more observant,she wouldn't have missed the clue.

  78. If it weren't for the miscommunication,we would have reached an agreement.

  79. If I had more patience,I could have waited for the right opportunity.

  80. If it weren't for his pessimism,we could have had a brighter future.


上一篇 2023年06月06日13时32分46秒
下一篇 2023年06月06日13时35分03秒


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