deprive有被动吗 ,英语题:It is absolutely unfair that these children...


英语题:It is absolutely unfair that these children _ _______________________ 被剥夺了受教育的权

1 和 2 都正确,但语义不同;

1 所表达的意思中,这些孩童被剥夺受教育的权利已经是“既成事实”
2 则是正在”酝酿“中,极有可能成为事实。(所以说是虚拟,因为be 前省略了 should)
1)deprive 这个及物动词的用法,用于主动语态固定以 deprive sb of sth 的句型;被动语态也固定是 be deprived of sth,无例外。
2)从句中 rights 必须和 children 主谓一致
3)sb's right of doing sth 和 sb's right to do sth 语法上都没问题,但习惯上以后者表达居多。

,英语题:It is absolutely unfair that these children...图1


A: hello, we have long time no see!
B: why the people to call to today together?
A: because our teacher is ill, today we go to visit the teacher.
C: the teacher is good, don't know how the body of the teacher ah, wish the teacher to recover as soon as possible.
D: I now the body better but the doctor said I had a serious heart disease, I only have two or three years of life, it makes me very sad sad.
E: hear that I was sad, but now medical conditions in developed it didn't solution?
F: I heard that, now of cloning technology are developed, we can use the teacher's cells in cloning a with teacher, then put his heart has been to the teacher on the body as the teacher can recover soon?
G: that's a good idea, but in law that is allowed? We put the cloning of human heart take is equivalent to kill a person!
E: I think so too, the clone a bit cruel ah.
C: I think this method well, can save a lot of lives, and human cloning would have is a copy of it, this is also quite to human cloning and realize their value ah.
B: I think it goes against all, ethics, after all human cloning is also a life, any one life has its the meaning of existence, we have no right to deprive a person's life.
A: I think we have no power to deprive A life, we can choose through the animals to clone ah.
G: everything is good with bad, about human cloning have not a unified conclusion, still need the social from all walks of life seriously study ah.
D: thank the students to think I, I think the problem about human cloning in some ways is not fully mature, still need through the seriously studies ah.

,英语题:It is absolutely unfair that these children...图2


plantstems(主语) die (谓语) when deprived of water(时间状语从句)

,英语题:It is absolutely unfair that these children...图3


deprive和前面的distort一样,都是以all these things为主语,但是由于deprive前面有一个逗号,这就意味着deprive之后是一个独立的分句,因此这个分句在缺少主语的情况下,就要使用现在分词作为主语,故deprive后面要加ing;
deprive sb/sth of sth是一个词组,意为“剥夺某人/某物的东西”;“many species of plants and animals”翻译为“很多种动植物”;“their natural habitat”即“他们的自然栖息地”。这么一解释,明白了哈~

,英语题:It is absolutely unfair that these children...图4

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