初中英语作文20篇30字 ,英语作文30字左右初二



my goal is to be a good english teacher. when i was very young, my uncle taught some simple oral english. such as how are you? i like it very much and so on. when i began to study at school, he taught me more and i stuied very hard. from then on i had the dream to be an excellent english teacher. now i am studying in high school. i am on the way to become an english teacher. i know i will study harder to make it come true. although there are some difficultied , i will never give up my wish.
我的目标是成为一名优秀的英语教师。在我还很小的时候,我的叔叔就教我一些简单的英语口语,比如你好吗? 我很喜欢等待。我开始上学的时候,他教的更多了我也学得更认真了。从那时起我就立志在成为一名优秀的英语教师。现在我正在上高中,我正在实现理想的道路上。不知道为了实现它我得更努力学习。跃然有很多的困难,但我不会放弃。





The weekend is coming.


On Saturday morning, I’m going to do my homework. And then, I’m going out to play. 


I’m going to the bookstore and read some books. In the evening, I am going to have dinner with my parents outside.


On Sunday morning, I’m going to the library or do my homework. 


And then, I’m going to listen to music. In the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. 


I like shopping very much.This is my happy and busy weekend. 



1、I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my clas**ates and I will form a **all team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the **n** when we win the game.
2、Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t u** anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy ** reputation, time won’t leave them more. Today I found I hadn’t enough time. Although I have more than a-month holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I am es**ntial to complete the homework as soon as I have time.
3、I have rested for 10 days. In the** days, I felt very bored. I didn’t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable. I was ill becau** of the hot weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried **ut my health. in fact, it didn’t matter. I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went out, the ** temperature disagreed to me.At last, I was ill.
4、It was sunny today. I was excited. I got up at a quarter to **ven. I made a appointment to meet at nine o’clock. After I had my bre**fast, I went to the Wan** Market . It was hot outside. When I arrived, my friends didn’t arrive. I waited for him in front of the KFC’s door. I haven’t **en them for a year. And in a year, we didn’t come into contact with others frequently. About ten mi**tes left, my friends arrived one by one. After we greeted,we went to play basketball in Liwan Gymnasium. The match last for tow hours.Oh!I fill very happy today!
5、Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard some my friends had gone abroad. They went abroad to study. Maybe I couldn’t **e them in the future. I think next year we won’t m**e a party. Next year is a very important year. We all will prepare the new term’s new subject.I know, it is the most important for us now.
6、Today, I still went to my mother’s office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They must get up early. Becau** they will manage the factory. So I know they are very l**rious. So I should save my money. Also I should help them. Although I can’t do something u**ful, but I think I should share the work with them. I am one of my family member. In the future, I will t**e a job and work. It’ time for me to begin to learn how to work.
7、I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn’t go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking **ut the new school and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We haven’t enough time to play, to waste and to lo** the way. We only have two years. Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us.
8、I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week. It’s time for me to go to my real home—it is in Beijing. My parents are waiting for me. Although outside is no matter how beautiful, Beijing is still my home. In fact, there is many fresh things. Like red bayberries. In the afternoon, I took a bus to Beijing. I was very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. I was very sad. I didn’t know why thieves went to steal other’s things. Why don’t they hunt for a job? I don’t why! I hope there is no thief in our motherland.
9、The screen of my father’s mobile telephone is broken. When you open the mobile telephone, the screen is always white with light. You can’t **e from the screen. And my father is a busines**an. He needed a new one. So my father and I went to the electrical appliance shop. There are many new kinds of mobile telephones. At first, my father cho** a Sumsung one. But all the telephones have sold out.Finally, my father cho** a Motorola one.



my dream
when l was a child ,l have a dream——be a singer,l like singing ,because it makes me very happy,l like singing the song for people,l think they will be happy to listen me sing the song,l will make them happy ,l hope me will be a singer in the future,because it's my dream。


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上一篇 2022年07月13日08时52分13秒
下一篇 2022年07月13日09时02分14秒


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