monday到sunday儿歌 ,有首歌曲跟日期有关从周一唱到星期天是首英文歌不知道叫什么名字_百 ...


,有首歌曲跟日期有关从周一唱到星期天是首英文歌不知道叫什么名字_百 ...图1

周一到周日的英文歌曲 是一个拼写的就是:m o n d a y.... 这首歌叫什么





  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Go!

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

  • These are the days of the week,

  • These are the days of the week,

  • Listen close and then repeat.

  • Do you know the days of the week?

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

  • These are the days of the week,

  • These are the days of the week,

  • Listen close and then repeat.

  • Do you know the days of the week?

  • Monday: I play soccer in the yard.

  • Tuesday: I help mommy garden, it's hard. 

  • Wednesday: I like to ride my bike.

  • Thursday: Grandpa takes me for a hike. 

  • Friday: I play with Leo, he's funny.

  • Saturday: I swim, if it's sunny.

  • Sunday: I play with Andre, my friend.

  • Monday: we start the week again!

  • Ok everybody, now it's your turn.Let's sing the days of the week together!

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

  • Now you know the days of the week,

  • Now you know the days of the week,

  • I'm glad that I don't have to repeat .

  • You know the days of the week.

  • Yes, you know the days of the week.

  • Now you know the days of the Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday... WEEK!

,有首歌曲跟日期有关从周一唱到星期天是首英文歌不知道叫什么名字_百 ...图2


是 craig david 的 seven days
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
I met this girl on Monday
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday \

,有首歌曲跟日期有关从周一唱到星期天是首英文歌不知道叫什么名字_百 ...图3


sarah connor——wait till you hear from me
这是一首反毒品歌曲,讲述的是情同姐妹的好友因染上毒瘾无法自拔,从而断送了大好生命的故事。虽然歌曲节奏明快,却掩hear you me歌词饰不hear you me 中文了悲伤与遗憾.看似明快的调子中的悲伤,才更深入人心,尤其是开始
This song is about Maria 这首歌是关于玛利亚的 我很亲密的朋友
A close friend of mine 我很亲密的朋友
Who lost herself in drugs 她死于毒品
She told me to wait for her 她you让我等她
But guess what... 但你猜发生了什么...
She never came back 她一去不回了
And I'm still waiting 我却一直在等
She told me 她告诉我
Wait 'til you hear from me 一直等到我给你消息
Monday, Tuesday it won't be 星期一星期二我们不可能见面
Wednesday, Thursday we will see 星期三星期四?看情况吧
If only you can wait baby 如果你愿意,等我宝贝
Wait 'til you hear from me 一直等到我给你消息
Friday use your fantasy 星期五自己去想吧
Saturday you got over me 星期六你可能会忘了我
If only you can wait baby 如果你愿意,等我宝贝
She was called Maria and she really was a friend 她叫玛利亚是我真正的好朋友
I remember when we were walking hand in hand 还记得一起手牵手的日子
She was telling me that she understands 她过去一直告诉我
All the world and every thrill by taking little pills 毒品让她无所不知,兴奋异常
So she was trying everything and more 所以她一直在尝试各种毒品
Alcohol and speed, coke and weed and tried to score 酒精,安非他命(兴奋剂),可卡因,大麻,也走私
Tragedy: she didn't feel much better than before 悲剧发生了:她没有以前开心
So she got away here quick to find a better kick &nbdo you hear mesp; 因此她离开这里去寻找新的转折点
Never let it, wanna find her 从来没有放弃寻找她的念头
Can't forget it to remind her 并要时时提醒她
She's my sister, wanna tell her can you hear me dj; 她是我的好姐妹 想告诉她
How I miss her, she told me 真的很想她 她告诉我
Wait, don't call you've got to 等我 别给我打电话
Wait 'til you hear from me 等我 一直等到我给你消息
Wait, that's all you've got to 等我 你要做的就是等
Wait... 等我
When she arrived in the city of the stars 她来到众星云集的好莱坞
Blinded by the lights, a burning in the heart 被五彩的世界打动 心中燃烧着欲望和***
She believed to play what she called her part 她以为自己会是个好演员
A member of society to satisfy her dreams me试听; 作为社会的成员来实现她的梦想
No one paid attention on her skills 可是没人注意她的技能
So she found crack is another way to fill 她发现毒品可以填补内心的空虚
The emptiness inside right now she got her thrill 立即又开始吸毒
Guess, who gave his life away? She did it every day 猜 是谁夺走了她的生命 是她自己
Never let it, wanna find her
Can't forget it to remind her
She's my sister, wanna tell her
How I miss her, she told me
Why did she throw her life away? 为什么她要放弃生存的机会
Why did she say don't call just wait? 为什么她不让打电话只是让我等
If you wanna go to the city of stars 如果你要去好莱坞
Can you help me to find my girl Maria 你能帮我找到我的玛利亚吗
She once was an actress and a beauty queen 她曾经是演员拥有皇后般的美貌
Then the drugs took over and made her mean 毒品侵蚀了她 让她变得卑微
I tried to stand by her side make her feel alright 我试图支持她让她觉得好过些
But she wished to get over to the other side 但她要追逐另一端的生活
And since I can't really get her out of my mind 我真的忘不了她
I'm asking you, whear you me歌词on't you help me to find 我问你 你会帮我找到她么
She told me 她告诉我

,有首歌曲跟日期有关从周一唱到星期天是首英文歌不知道叫什么名字_百 ...图4

以上就是关于monday到sunday儿歌 ,有首歌曲跟日期有关从周一唱到星期天是首英文歌不知道叫什么名字_百 ...的全部内容,以及monday到sunday儿歌 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年07月10日14时10分07秒
下一篇 2022年07月10日14时19分56秒


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