刷牙 Tooth brushing
我刷牙 I brush my teeth ; I am brushing ; I brush your teeth
刷牙洗脸 Brush your teeth wash ; Grooming ; Brush wash
有效刷牙 Toothbrushing Effectively
刷牙单位 Brushing unit
不要刷牙 No toothbrushing
请刷牙 Brush your teeth, please
刷牙法 Bass method of brushing ; iutrasulcular method ; bass
每天刷牙 Brush teeth everyday
她刷牙 She was brushing her teeth
我说,“我们应该发明一个能刷牙的机器。” Our invention should be a machine that brushes you teeth! article.yeeyan.org
那些你刷牙时候的泡沫就是来自像钠盐和硫酸盐一类的洗涤剂。 Those suds you see when you brush your teeth are from detergents like sodium lauryl sulfate. article.yeeyan.org
她发现,大多数人一天撒谎一次或两次,几乎与他们从冰箱里取零食或刷牙一样经常。 Most people, she found, lie once or twice a day—almost as often as they snack from the refrigerator or brush their teeth. article.yeeyan.org
不需要具体的说刷牙洗脸,一般用 wash up 就听明白了
例如,一大早说 wash up 就是指刷牙洗脸的意思
wash up 也可以指洗澡,例如运动后说wash up 就是指洗澡
以上就是关于刷牙洗脸用英语怎么写 ,我洗脸刷牙用英语怎么说的全部内容,以及刷牙洗脸用英语怎么写 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。