不定时常见句型 ,动词不定式的时态语态形式及用法



“to +动词原形”构成动词不定式,是一种非谓语形式,在句子中不能作谓语,没有人称和数的变化,它具有名词、形容词和副词的特征.
1. 作主语
例如:To learn English well is not easy.
或 It is not easy to learn English well.
It is + adj.+ 动词不定式
It is + adj.+ for sb. to do sth.
2. 作表语
My wish is to become a teacher.
3. 作宾语
Most of us like to watch football matches.
4. 作宾语补足语
He told me to be here on time.
5. 作定语
I have nothing to say about that thing.
6. 作状语
He stopped to have a look.
动词不定式的否定形式not + to + 动词原形
例如: He asked me not to make such a mistake.
疑问代词who, what, which和疑问副词when, where, how, why等后面可以接动词不定式,构成动词不定式短语,可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等成分.
例如:(1) He doesn’t know how to use the machine.
(2) How to use the machine is a question.
(3) The question is when to go there.
1. 一般式to do
例如:I like to read English.
2. 进行式to be doing
例如:He seemed to be reading something at that time.
3. 完成式to have done
例如:He seemed to have cleaned the room.
4. 被动式to be done
例如:The work is to be done soon.
5. 完成被动式to have been done
例如:The boy is said to have been sent to hospital yesterday.
1. 动词不定式一般式表示的动作可能与谓语动词的动作同时发生,也可能在其之后发生.
例如:I saw the young man enter the house.(同时发生)
I hope to go there next time.(之后发生)
例如:I’m sorry to have broken your glasses.
例如:When he came in, I happened to be reading at the table.
4.不定式的被动式有两种形式:to be done表示将要被做,to have been done表示已被做.
例如:The new cinema to be put up next year will be very large.
The cinema is said to have been built last year.
5. 在表示情绪的动词,如like, love, hate, prefer等后,用动名词作宾语表示一般倾向,用不定式表示特定某事.但在would/should like/love/prefer后要用不定式
例如:I hate eating the same food every day.
Would you like to watch TV in the evening?
6. 在动词need, want, require后用动名词表示被动含义,相当于动词不定式的被动式;而用动词不定式的主动式表示主动含义.
例如:The house needs cleaning. = The house needs to be cleaned.
He needs to clean the house first.
7. 在介词后一般用动名词作宾语,但在少数介词,如but, except后用动词不定式作宾语,但要注意“to”的省略,如but前有“do”则省去“to”.
例如:I have done nothing but help him with his luggage.
I have no choice but to wait for him at the bus stop.
例1、The discovery of new evidence led to _________.
A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief
C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught
【解析】 lead to这个词组中to是介词,后面跟名词,于是B被排除,the thief是动名词逻辑上的主语,构成动名词的复合结构,与catch之间应是被动关系,故排除A.常见的带介词to的短语有:(get) be used to, look forward to,look up to, stick to, object to, be devoted to, pay attention to等.
例2、Though _______money, his parents managed to send him to university.
A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in
【解析】 lack是及物动词,后接宾语money.his parents与lack是逻辑上的主谓关系,要用现在分词作状语.译文:虽然缺钱,他的父母亲还是设法让他上了大学.
例3、He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk ____ the good opportunity.
A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost
【解析】 risk后面只能带动名词做宾语,含义为“冒……之险”.
例4、 _____ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.
A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed
【解析】 在非谓语动词中,用动名词或不定式来作主语,而分词和介词短语不能作主语,因此A、D被排除.在这个句子中,will do是谓语,缺少主语,要用动名词作主语.expose与one's skin是动宾关系,所以要用动名词的被动式being exposed.译文:在阳光下晒太长时间对人的皮肤有坏处.
例5、____ into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.
A. Put B. Putting C. Having put D. Being put
【解析】 put sth. into use “让……投入使用”.显然,put 和句子主语the hotline 构成被动关系,所以用表示被动的过去分词.
例6、It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just ____ a look at the sports stars.
A. had B. having C. to have D. have
【解析】 动词不定式充当目的状语.
例7、With a lot of difficult problems _______, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.
A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled
【解析】动词不定式to settle作为difficult problems的定语表示现在或将来要解决的难题;过去分词settle作定语表示已经解决的难题,现在分词的被动式being settled作定语表示正在解决的难题.
例8、More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays, ____ advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.
A. taking B. taken C. having taken D. having been taken
【解析】 take advantage of (利用)和句子主语More and more people 构成主动关系,且和句子谓语sign up for (报名参加)同时发生,所以选择A.
例9、 Sandy could do nothing but ________ to his teacher that he was wrong.
A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit
【解析】 该句中的but是介词,后接动词不定式.当谓语动词是do,does或did时,后接不带to的不定式;是其他动词时,后接带to的不定式.该句的谓语是could do nothing,要填动词原形admit.译文:山德不得不向老师承认自己错了.
例10、 He sent me an e-mail, ________ to get further information.
A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope
【解析】 现在分词hoping表示与send me an e-mail同时发生的动作.一些考生认为应该填不定式作目的状语.不定式作目的状语时,句子的正确形式是:He sent me an e-mail to get further information.不需要hope一词,如果要选择“hoped”时,句子的正确形式是:He sent me an e-mail and hoped to get further information.“hope”和“sent”作并列谓语.



1.decide to do sth
2.forget to do sth
3. prepare to do sth
4. one way to do.sth
5.It is time to do sth
6. help ti do sth
7.expect to do sth
8.hope to do sth
9.want to do sth
10.seem to do sth



To learn a skill is very important for everyone in society.
It is necessary for young students to learn a foreign language.
1. It is+adj./ n. (+for sb./sth.) + to do sth.
用于此句型的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult, possible, important, impossible, necessary, good, bad, exciting, interesting, surprising等。例如:
It is interesting to play this game.
It is necessary for you to change your job.
It was impossible for them to complete the task in such a short time.
考例1:Is ____ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship? (88 MET)
A. now B. man C. that D. it
用于此句型的名词有:pity, shame, pleasure, one’s duty, one’s job, fun, joy, good manners, bad manners等。例如:
What a pity it is for you to have missed such a wonderful film.
It is good manners for the young to give their seats to the old.
2. It is+adj.+of sb.+to do sth.
该句型中只能使用描述某人的品德、特征的形容词,如: kind, nice, wise, silly, polite, impolite, friendly, foolish, clever等。例如:
How rude it was of the boy to jump the queue!
It is friendly of the family to try to make me feel at home in their house.
How silly it was of you to give up such a good chance!
3. It takes sb.+some time+to do sth.
It took us half an hour to ride to the town by bike.
动词不定式作表语常用于以下结构:My wish/ job/ aim/ goal is…及The next step/ measure is …等。例如:
Your job is to type the papers in the office.
The next measure is to stop the river from being polluted.
常见的只能使用动词不定式作宾语的动词有:agree, choose, decide, hope, fail, wish, refuse, expect, manage, plan, intend, pretend, promise, offer, afford, demand, arrange等。 例如:They decided to build a highway between these two cities.
She offered to help me when I was in trouble.
believe, think, consider, feel, make等动词可用于“动词+ it +adj. / n+to do sth.”句型,其中使用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语动词不定式置于句末。例如:
I think it necessary for us to have a good rest after the long work.
She felt it her duty to help the old woman.
可后接动词不定式作宾补的动词有:advise, allow, ask, hear, order, see, tell, want, wish, watch等。例如:
The doctor advised her no to eat too much sugar.
I wish you to go to the meeting with me.
believe, consider, count, declare, deny, feel, find, guess, imagine, judge, know, prove, realize, suppose, think等动词后可接to be型不定式作宾补。例如:
He declared himself to be a college student. 他自称是名大学生。
The police proved him to be a thief. 警察局证实他是小偷。
hope, demand, suggest等动词不能后接动词不定式作宾补。例如:
【误】I hope my son to be back soon.
【正】I hope my son will be back soon.
【误】She suggests us to have a discussion about it.
【正】She advises us to have a discussion about it.
【正】She suggests that we (should) have a discussion about it.
在主动结构中,下列动词后作宾补的动词不定式应省略to:“五看”(see, watch, notice, observe, look at)“三使”(make, let, have)“两听”(hear, listen to)“一感觉”(feel)。例如:
Who made him work all night long?
He was seen to break the window.
Have you got anything to eat? (to eat修饰anything,位于其后)
下列名词后常接动词不定式作定语:ability, attempt, chance, courage, decision, effort, failure, promise, way, wish等。例如:
But she gave up the chance to go abroad.
由only, first, last, next以及序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词后,也常接不定式作定语。例如:
Who was the last one to leave the classroom last night?
We went there to see our grandparents.(目的)
I am very sorry to hear that.(原因)
She hurried home only to find her father dead.(结果)
To look at the picture, you would like it.(条件)
作目的状语,还可以使用in order to或so as to。例如:
The boy worked so hard in order to make up for the lost time.
结果状语还可以使用enough to, too…to…, so…as to, such… as to等结构。例如:
He got up too late to miss the early bus.
She was in such a hurry as not to notice me. 她如此匆忙,以致没有注意到我。



To complete the 30 storied building in one year was quite a difficult task.
To do that implies taking responsibility.
It is important for modern young people to master at least two foreign languages.
a) It is+形容词(easy, important, difficult, foolish, inconvenient, unnecessary, right, wrong...)+( for/of sb.)+不定式
It is essential to reserve a table in advance of Christmas Eve.
It is hard to put my hopessintoswords.
It is not easy to catch fish with your hands only.
It is important for us young people to learn English and master it.
b) It is+名词(a pleasure, a pity, a pleasant thing, one’s duty, an honor, a shame, a crime, no easy job...)+不定式
It is a sheer waste of time to read that kind of trash.
It is a pity to have to go without her.
It is a glorious death to die for the people.
c) It takes (sb.) some time (hours, months, days, a lot of time, patience...)+不定式
It takes me three hours to learn English each day.
It took them half the night to get home in the snow.
2)动词不定式作表语不定式作表语常表示将来的动作,主语常常是表示意向、打算、计划的词,如wish, idea, task, purpose, duty, job等。
The most important thing for one’s health is to have plenty of exercise.
My chief purpose has been to point out the difficulties of the matter.
The purpose of the organization is to greet all new comers to the city and to provide them with any necessary information.
What I wanted was to get the work done as quickly as possible.
afford, agree, apply, arrange, ask, attempt, beg, begin, care, choose, claim, consent, demand, decide, desire, determine, expect, fail, hope, hesitate, hate, intend, learn, like, manage, mean, neglect, offer, plan, prepare pretend, promise, refuse, resolve, seek, tend, threaten, want等。
I like to go out for walks in the warm sunshine in spring.
My mother hates to move from place to place, for she feels tired.I decide to work hard and get doctor’s degree.
The room is designed to be my study, but now it has to be used as a bedroom for the children.
She failed to finish the assignment in time, and she was worried about it.
There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means( )trouble. (CET-4 1997, 1)
A) making
B) to make
C) to have made
We found it impossible to get everything ready in time. I think it important to learn English well in college. 使用这种句型的常见动词有:believe, consider, declare, feel, find, guess, imagine, prove, realize, suppose, think,等。
4)“whword+不定式”结构不定式前加一个疑问代词(what, which, who, whom, whose)或疑问副词(where, when, how, why),以及连词whether构成特殊的不定式短语,其作用相当于一个从句,这样的不定式短语常在某些动词后面作宾语。
know, see, decide, tell, ask, consider, discover, explain, findout, forget, guess, hear, imagine, inquire, learn, observe, perceive, remember, think, understand, wonder等。
I couldn’t decide which book to choose. I can tell youswheresto get this book.They found it hard to decide whether to go swimming next Sunday or to visit Aunt Sally in New Year. “whword+不定式”结构除了作宾语外,还可以在句中作主语或者表语。
When to start the program remains undecided. The question is how to put the plansintospractice.
a)不定式作状语表示目的。或用于so as和in order之后,来强调这种目的。
To learn a foreign language well, you must make painstaking efforts.
Mother saved every cent she could spare to pay for my schooling.We must develop science and technology at high speed so as to raise scientific and cultural level of our country.
Insgroupsto get a high mark in Band 4, he did a lot of exercises both in grammar and reading comprehension.
b)动词不定式表示结果,特别是在so...as to, such...as to, only to...以及too...to等结构中的不定式表示结果。
I rushed to the station as fast as I could, only to find the train already gone.
She left her hometown with her beloved man, never to return.No one is too old to learn.
Would you be so kind as to carry the luggage for me?
c)动词不定式常用来修饰形容词,构成下列词组:be able to, be afraid to, be apt to, be bound to, be certain to, be easy to, be eager to, be fit to, be likely to, be ready to, be sure to, be unable to, be unwilling to, be willing to等。
Chinese team is bound to win the World Cup.
It is likely to rain today, for it is very cloudy.
I am willing to help you with your homework, for we are friends.
6)动词不定式作宾语补语不定式常跟在下列动词之后作宾语补语:ask, advise, allow, beg, cause, compel, command, enable, encourage, expect, feel, force, find, hear, have, inform, invite, let, make, mean, notice, order, permit, persuade, remind, require, request, teach, tell, urge, watch, warn, watch等。
Because of the complexity of the modern equipments, most offices require secretaries to have specified training.
He asked you to call him at ten o’clock.


以上就是关于不定时常见句型 ,动词不定式的时态语态形式及用法的全部内容,以及不定时常见句型 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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