以教育为题的英语对话 ,双语教育的好处英语作文



Nowadays,many kindgardens provides bilingual education.This phenomenon has arisen heated discussion across the nation.
Many people who support the program say it's good for the kids to learn English well while they are still very young,which will ensure them a better future comparing with the other kids who do not enter such kindergardens.
While other people argue that this will not definitely lead to a satisfying ending,but rather the kids may get confused in learning English and Chinese Pinyin.Besides,some teacher who are not so qualified as to be good enough will make English study too difficult and discouraging which will push our kids away from english learning in the future.
What I think is the most important is interest.It is interest that truely matters.As long as the kindgardens can provide suitable education and good enough teachers,and meanwhile,our kids find themselves happy and like studying,this program will truely do good our children.



ELIZA: I heard you were teaching English over there.
Tell me about it. Did you like it?
SUE: Oh, yes, it was very interesting.
ELIZA: What were the schools like?
SUE: Oh, I didn't actually teach in the schools.
I taught
. I taught in English institutes.
ELIZA: But you taught children, yes?
SUE: Yes. That's right.
But children in Taiwan are very different from children in America.
At least as far as studying is concerned.
Many children in Taiwan go to special institutes
ELIZA: They actually study

SUE: That's right.
After their school day is over, they go to a special institute to study math or English.
They are very serious about learning over there.
ELIZA: Hmm. That sounds pretty oppressive for the kids. Don't they ever relax?
SUE: Of course they do.
You know, Eliza, before I went over there I thought the same thing.
I thought that maybe kids in Taiwan study too much.
But now that I've worked there, and taught them, I feel it is a good thing.
Their parents are very concerned about their education. More than American parents are.
And that is good. American kids don't study enough.
ELIZA: Asian cultures value learning very much. I know that.
SUE: So it was interesting for me to see parents very concerned about education.
They would
after the class and ask how their son or daughter was doing.
I don't think that's a bad thing. I think it's a good thing.
In America, too many parents don't pay attention.
ELIZA: But aren't the kids tired out?
I mean, they go to school all day, and then they go to school in the evening too.
SUE: As an English teacher, I tried to make the lessons as fun as possible.
I tried to have a good time with my classes. The students often enjoyed it.
And if the students enjoyed it, they learned more. So it was a good experience.
ELIZA: Are the kids in Taiwan very obedient?
SUE: That's a stereotype we Americans have.
We think that Asian kids are very obedient and quiet.
But it's not true. There are plenty of naughty kids too.
ELIZA: Hmm. I know you taught in Costa Rica also.
Which did you like better——Costa Rica or Taiwan?
SUE: I don't know. In Costa Rica, I taught adults.
So it was a very different thing. So I really can't compare.







the following dialogue is between one journalist and one education expert.
J-journalist E-export
J:I am a correspondent from local TV station.I'd like to ask you some questions.
E:no problem!just tell me what you want to know.
J:thank you!it's my great honor to ask you questions.firstly,do you have any opinions ,well,to the educational system at the present stage?
E:Em...the syle of educational system we should adopt depends on the specific national circumstance we are now going through.we all know that the educational system we are using is college entrance examination system .and the model of education is ,in fact, examination-oriented education system .we can clearly see that this kind of education has a lot of disadvantages .for instance,our students lack sprit of innovation and awareness of creation.that's what we are concerned about !just several weeks age,one of our greatest scientists -Qian xueseng passed away.he lefe us great treasure,which makes the foundation of the industry of aviation and space flight of our nation.he also showed his worry that the new generation is short of innovation.so,well,in a word,we should try our utmost to change the present situation of our education.
J:thank you,you make an excellent talk.now ,my next question is ,em...,in your opinion,what's our ideal educational system?in other words,what kind of education we are persuing?
E:thank you, good question!first,let me quote an saying from great scientist Albert Einstein :"ways and means are always more than difficulties."that's true.we find the question,then we will sole the problem next.the ideal educational system, from my perspective,is everyone can get specific education.not only they can get the knowledge they need but also they can enhance their ability to explore the world.most important of all ,through education ,they know who they are and what contribution they shoud make and ,en...,what responsibility they should take! we can't deny the fact that we have a big gap between chinese education and western education,especially united states.but we also should analyse the question objectively.we are new-founded country with very long history and a large population,at first,we have to develop our national economy ,only in this way can we have ability to solve our own questions rather than relying on others' help.secondly, we must guarantee everyone can get basic education .that's a precondition.why a country can be so powerful?when all goes to all ,that's because their people are very powerful.so we should try our best to develp education...
because the time is limited .so let's stop here.
J:thank you! thank you! your speech is amazing.you have almostly answered all my questions. on behalf of our audience and friends from the internet,thank you very much!
转的 但是希望可以帮助你



When it comes to education,the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study .After all,no one can deny the fact that a people's education is the most importment acpect of his life .
Oh , my god. Don’t tell me with learning, ok? I finally graduated , now you tell me lifelong learning. You love to study so much.
Is that your lazy,ok?
This issue has caused wide public concern. I think we should have the concept of lifelong learning .After the competition, after all ,a big .
Yes , many companies are now regularly training staff, and come knowledge of games are often held. Like A,don’t learn to back.
That is ,my father recently had a most creative competitions award,a young womon got the prize,five thunsand yuan prize .
This is a company in order to boost the enthusiasm of the staff. A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had completed their education when they finished their schooling.许多人存在这样的误解,认为离开学校就意味着结束了他们的教育。
Not only is the staff and graduated,but also many bosses would often attend classes(辅导班),now , it is generally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduation.
Yes ,there are a lot of successful go to class every month to thsinghua, and professor give them a lecture.
For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.


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