Therebe句型0个 ,there be句型造句10个


there be句型造句10个

there be 句型造句:
1. There are many people on the street these days.(这几天街上有好多人)
2. There are so much homework to do that i can not go to bed early.(有如此的多作业要做以至于我不能早睡)
3. I am really hungry, is there some food on your desk?(我真的饿了,你桌子上有可吃的吗?)
4. There is so much housework to do.(这有很多家务要做)
there be 句型表示“有......”
  一、There be句型的用法:
例如:There must be some flowers in the box. 盒子里肯定有些鲜花。
There happened to be some money in my pocket.我的口袋里碰巧有一些钱。
There will be a meeting this afternoon.注意:be不能换成have及have的变化形式。
2)There be句型常与过去时间状语连用,构成一些固定句型,用于故事发生的开头,交代故事发生的时间。
例如:Many years ago,there was such a beautiful girl called Caixia.很久以前有一个叫彩霞的美丽女孩。
3)There be句型可换成There come / go,以引起注意,加强语气。
例如:There comes the bus公共汽车来了。
4)There be句型或There加其他动词的句型,其动词的单复数,常采用就近一致的原则。
例如:There is a desk, two chairs and three benches in the room. There are two chairs, a desk and three benches in the room. 5)There be或There加其他动词的句型,其反意疑问句一律用…there挂 例如:There is a cat in the garden, isn't there挂 There used to be no house here, used there / did there挂(过去这儿没有房子,是吗?)
二、使用There be句型时应注意:
1)There be句型中的be 有各种时态。
There is going to be a meeting tonight.今晚有个会议。
There was a knock at the door.有人敲门。
There has been a girl waiting for you.有个女孩一直在等你。
There will be rain soon.不久天就要下雨了。
2)动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的主语保持一致。并且要根据就近一致原则来变换be 的单复数形式。例如:
There is a book on the desk.课桌上有一本书。
How many people are there in the city挂这个城市里有多少人口。
There is a pen and two books on the desk.课桌上有一个钢笔和两本书。
There are two books and a pen on the desk. 课桌上有两本书和一个钢笔。
There are some students and a teacher in the classroom. 在教室里有一些学生和一位老师。
There is a teacher and some students in the classroom. 在教室里有一位老师和一些学生。
3)there be引到的句子结构中,用来修饰主语的不定式用主动形式和被动形式均可。
例如:There is no time to lose (= to be lost).时间紧迫。
There is nothing to see (=to be seen).看不见有什么。
4)There be句型的否定句和一般疑问句。记住下面的口诀:There be句型有特点,主语放在be后边。变否定,很简单,be后要把not添。变疑问,也不难,把be提到there之前;肯定句中有some, 否定/疑问把any换。
例如:(1). There is a book on the desk. (变否定句) →There is not / isn't a book on the desk. (2). There are some chairs in the room. (变否定句) →There are not / aren't any chairs in the room. (3). There are some boys over there. (变一般疑问句) →Are there any boys over there?5)There be句型和have/has的区别:There be 表示某物存在于某个地方, have/has表示某人拥有某一样东西。
例如:There is a book on the desk.书桌上有一本书。
I have a book. 我有一本书。二者有时也可以通用,表示"某物本身拥有…

,there be句型造句10个图1

there be句型10个句子

1,肯定:there be sth on\in sw
2,否定:there be not sth on\in sw
3,一般疑问句:be there anything on\in sw?
4,特殊疑问句:what is\are over there ?? or :who is\are over there??
5 ,对数量提问的;how many 复数名词 +介词短语?
6,,对数量提问的; how much +复数名词+介词短语?
7,将来时:there will be sth on \in sw
8,过去式;there was\were sth on \ in sw
9,完成时:there have\has been sth on\in sw
10,还有,,,,there must be ........\there can't be.......\there used to be ......

,there be句型造句10个图2

there be 句型句子大全七年级

There are some computer in the computer room.
There are some students doing their homework in the classroom.
There are some chairs in the classroom.
There is a blackboard in the front of my classroom.
There is a piano in the music room.
There is some chalk on the teacher's table.
There are some books on my desk.
There are some students playing computer in the computer room.
There is a teacher's table and many student's desks in our classroom.
There is a map on the wall.

,there be句型造句10个图3

写几个there be句型

  1. There is a cherry tree and a maple tree near my house.我家旁边有一棵樱树和一棵枫树。

  2. Is there anything wrong?有问题吗?

  3. There is some doubt wheather this kind of creature can live on the land.这种生物是否能在陆地上生活仍存疑问。

  4. There are some problems to be solved tomorrow.有些问题需待明天解决。

  5. Only when I finish the task will there be a sence of honour in my mind .(部分倒装,因为only+从句位于句首,从句不用倒装,主句需要倒装)只有当我完成任务后心里才会有荣誉感。

  6. There aren't any students waiting in the classroon except Jack.除了杰克没人在班里等。

  7. There is something wrong with your bike,isn't there?你车坏了,不是吗?

  8. There used to be a tailor's shop near here,didn't there/usdn't there?(摘自文库,一个选择题)过去这儿附近有家裁缝店,不是吗?

  9. There is a bolltle of water and three bars of chocolate in my bag.我包里有一瓶水和三块巧克力。

  10. Every day there are one or two incidents.(摘自互联网)主要是,记住one or

two 是固定搭配,“一两个”  。我们每天总会遇到几起事件。

希望能帮到你,欢迎指正^ ^

,there be句型造句10个图4

以上就是关于Therebe句型0个 ,there be句型造句10个的全部内容,以及Therebe句型10个 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年06月25日10时26分34秒
下一篇 2022年06月25日10时36分26秒


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