中国人如何过生日英语作文80 ,以你的心诠释我的爱



Mother's birthday blesses a language message
Release time:2009-08-08 reading:57Mother birthday wish language message mother the birthday bless a language cellular phone message mother the birthday cellular phone bless language message You of the birthday make me think of your consideration to me and also have you as everything that I do.I hopes my happiness that you give, I will equally requite to you The mother of in a dream Ying bosom, you are me highest of sunlight, I will bear firmly in mind you forever of the loving care from childhood-at such a mother's birthday, wish respectfully you health satisfied, blessing joy continuing! As fire is always putting out, , the person always has the year of toward sunset, the full head flower hair is the witness that the mother works hard at chores, the tiny curved back is the figure of mother pain ……bless to year by year have, the wish is year by year deep! Happy birthday, the mother, really hopes to have the gratitude that the language can express us and appreciates that you hold to run a household a duty everyday, and give our helps.The wishing you are happy in the future years forever health! Wishing me is beautiful, optimistic, passionate, healthy self-confident, vibrant big friend-mother, happy birthday! Send a mother:someone say and there is no eternal feelings in the world.I say not right!Mother's the abyss of time, she isn't a star that does fall. On you, I knew the meaning of life and saw the light of real life.Mother, today is your birthday, In childhood, you led long my small hand to take a walk under the setting sun, under the setting sun of the breeze was so unselfish, so soft beautiful, very pure, profound.Today far in the limits of the earth of I still remember that setting sun, that breeze, ask them to take my profound wish. Say for us, the biggest happiness nothing is better than in have the comprehension oneself's parents.I got this happiness, and have never lost.So in your birthday, I will say toward you a :thanks! Mother, I miss you, not only today, today is you of birthday, although I am in the other parts of country,my heart has already flown to return you! The mother , in this special day, wishes to be all happiness and joy|continuously flow out toward your before the window. On you, I knew the meaning of life and saw the light of real life.|Wish your happy birthday! Mother, I love you, not only today! Mother, in this special day, all wishes take our loves and hustle in your wine cup, very red, profound of, until heart bottom



Friends will appear on time wherever they hold the birthday party. We will send our gifts as soon as possible when we get there. However, to avoid the embarrassment and increase some mystical atmosphere, the person who recieves the gifts usually see the gifts after finishing the party. If the birthday men love some gifts a lot, they will send messages to express appreciation and make the senders know how they love the gifts . Apparently, different personalities decide different behaviors. Sometimes you will be asked to open the gifts at once by some good friends, they often expect to see your suprising face and show the praise on the spot.



My 12th birthday
I had a gread time during my 12th birthday,I will remember it forever!
In China,12th birthday is very important in a person's life,so my parents prepared it very carefully.
On the morming of that day,when I woke up,a paper fly flow to my bedroom.There is a sentence on it--Happy birthday boy,we wish you happiness forever.
Then I went to the living room,I saw many new presents there.One of them is my favorite book--Harry Potter,I really love it.
At noon,we ate Chinese noodles at a famous restaurant.Noodles are very long,that means wish you live in long life.
We began the party at 6:00pm.I invited my fridends and relatives.We had a great fun,we played games and sang songs until 10:30pm.
What a sweet memory,I really hope every birthday is like this!
我的第12个生日 在我的第12个生日期间,我有gread时间,我永远将记住它! 在中国,第12个生日是非常重要的在person' s生活,因此我的父母非常小心地准备了它。 在morming那天,当我醒了,对我的卧室的纸飞行流程。有对此的一个句子--生日快乐男孩,我们永远祝愿您幸福。 然后我去客厅,我看了许多新的礼物那里。他们中的一个是我喜爱的书--Harry Potter,我真正地爱。 在中午,我们在一家著名餐馆吃了中国面条。面条是非常长的,那手段祝愿您活在长寿中。 我们开始了党在6:00 pm。我邀请了我的fridends和亲戚。我们获得了一个伟大的乐趣,我们打了比赛并且唱了直到10:30 pm的歌曲。 甜记忆,我真正地希望每个生日是象这样!



范文:HiIm Coco.My birthday is in the June 1st. At that day ,I was had a birthday party.My friends were gave me some gifts.

My mom was made a big birthday cake for me.My friends were sang songs for me,too.I was saw a film with my friends.I had a good birthday time!I was happy.








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