从句里的疑问句语序 ,疑问句在从句中语序总结






He bought me a book which is exactly what I liked. 句中what I liked正是嵌在定语从句中的表语从句,用的是陈述语序。 再如,
Last week, I met a girl whose father died when she was five years old.上周我遇到一位女孩,她的爸爸在她五岁时就去世了。句中when she was five years old是嵌在定语从句中的状语从句,用的是陈述语序哦。



Where is the library?句子完整了,所以它不是从句.
Could you tell me where the library is?这里Where the library is 是放在句子后面,作为从句,所以用陈述句语序啊.



关于句子语序的问题全都在下面 希望对你有帮助Unit 1 New Practical English BookⅡ
英语中从句经常用疑问词(wh-word)引导,如what, who等,但与疑问词引导的简单句不同。从句不使用疑问句语序,而使用陈述句语序,即主语在前,谓语在后的顺序排列。还应注意,因为从句不使用疑问倒装结构,所以一般现在时和一般过去时不再用do, does, did等助动词构成从句结构。试比较一下句子:
疑问句:What is he doing?
宾语从句:I don’t know what he is doing.疑问句:When will they go?
主语从句:When they will go hasn’t been decided.疑问句:What does he want to know?
表语从句:That’s what she wants to know.
1.常用来引导从句的疑问词有what, when, where, who, whether, how等,这些疑问词一般仍保留原有的疑问含义。
She wanted to know when my brother had visited Paris.
They wondered why we would like to join them.
Could you please tell me where we are going?
It’s hard for me to tell which one I like better.
How he plays the trick is a secret.
2.whether可以引导主语从句,if 不能引导主语从句,但是两者都能引导宾语从句。引导宾语从句时,两者都表示“是否”的意思, 只是if后面不能加or not.
Whether he will accept the job is difficult to say.
Whether you will like it or not has nothing to do with me.
She wanted to know whether/if my brother had visited Paris.
They wondered whether/ if we would like to join them.
Could you please tell me whether or not we are going there, too?
It’s hard for me to tell whether /if I like that one better.
Why he didn’t accept our invitation still puzzles me.
Whether he comes or not matters little to me.
How you can get such an experience is a key point.
What he says is not always true.
I don’t understand why he didn’t accept our invitation.
I don’t mind whether he comes or not.
The key point is how you can get such an experience.
The fact turns out to be what he never expected.
4.when, where等若用来引导状语从句,它们不再是疑问词,也不具有疑问含义,因此它们的语序亦应为陈述句的语序。
When she visited the famous museum in Paris, she met my brother.
Could you stay for a while where you are now?
She still remembers the day when she met my brother in Paris.
Could you please tell me the place where you met for the first time?
ⅠCompletes the following sentences:
1. The director asked me_____________________(how old was I)
2. She asked me ____________________________( what book was I reading then)
3. She asked him if ___________________________________ (will he marry her)
4. The boss asked me__________________________________ (how did I get there)
5. He asked me whether __________________________ (could I lend him some tapes)
6. (If he wants to attend the wedding) _____________________is still a question.
7. The teacher asked me ______________________________ (what were my hobbies)
8. She often wonders_____________________________ (why does he always tell a lie)
9. The reason _________________________ (why did he refuse her) is a secret to us all.
10. (How will he play the trick today) ___________________________ remains a secret.
11. You can write about ______ topic you can think of .
a. what b. whatever c. who d. whoever
12. We all thought ____ a pity that the conference should have been canceled
a. it b. which c. this d. that
13. I took his word for _____ he would try his best to help us.
a. that it b. it that c. which it d. it which
14. It ____ to him that he had forgotten to take his laptop computer with him.
a. seemed b. appeared c. occurred d. happened
15. Free movie tickets will be sent to _____ come first.
a. whatever b. whichever c. whoever d. whomever
16. _____ that the formation of the sun and the planets began with the condensation of an interstellar gas cloud.
a. Believing b. To believe c. The belief d. It is believed
17. _____ I do it or not is none of your business.
a. Either b. No matter c. Whether d. If
18. He asked me _____ have and I offered him the number.
a. what room could he b. what room he may c. which room could be d. which room he could
19. I don’t think ______.
a. it true that he came here yesterday b. that he came here yesterday as true
c. it that he came here yesterday d. of it true he came here yesterday.
20. It is an interesting fact ______ try to do the same things as nature does, they usually have to do them in a different way.
a. that when men b. when that men c. that men d. when men
21. _____ the drought in Kansas has become less serious.
a. It is apparently that b. It appears that c. It must have been that d. There is appeared that
22. _____ that not all government officials are honest.
a. It seems to me b. In my opinion, I believe c. My believing is that d. I think in my mind
23. _____ knows the truth will tell you about it.
a. who that b. that who c. whoever d. That whom
24. ______ was not our concern.
a. No matter he might pass the exam b. Whether he passed the exam or not
c. However he might pass the exam d. That he passed the exam
25. _____ is quite clear.
a. Where is the fighting b. Why is the fighting c. What war is d. What is war being
26.We must do well ____ the teacher assigns us to do.
a. that b. what c. which d. those
27.Do you know _____?
a. what time the movie starts b. what time starts the movie
c. the time to start the movie d. the movie what time starts
28.Who knows _____ ?
a. what does this word means b. what do this word mean
c. what means this word d. what this word means
29. I wonder______ .
a. how much cost these shoes b. how much does these shoes cost
c. how much these shoes cost d. how much are these shoes cost
30. Can you tell me ______ ?
a. where does he live b. where he lives c. where he does live d. where has he lived
31. I know nothing about the traffic accident except ____ I read in the newspapers.
a. that b. what c. when d. where
32. There is no difference between the two books except _____ the thicker one has a more expensive binding.
a. that b. what c. it d. this
33. The reason I plan to go is ____ if I don’t.
a. because she will be disappointed b. that she will be disappointed
c. because she will have a disappointment d. on account of she will be disappointed
34.This is _____ iron contains more carbon than steel.
a. why b. that c. because d. as
35. She is pleased with ______ you have given her
a. that b. which c. what d. who 36. I have no doubt ____ he will overcome all his difficulties.
a. whether b. when c. that d. if
37. You may take _____ train you like to but be sure to get there before Friday.
a. however b. whenever c. whichever d. wherever
38. I know nothing about our teacher _____ he has been teaching for years.
a. besides b. except c. except for d. except that
39. The first advantage lies in the fact ______ he has been engaged in the work for many years.
a. in which b. which c. in that d. that
40. _____ theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we must keep in mind.
a. If b. That c. What d. Whether
Ⅱ Fill in the blanks with proper words:
1. He told us ______ he would agree with us or not.
2. To our disappointment, _____ turned out that the method did not work well.
3. Back home, he thought over ____ Mr. Williams had said.
4. The reason why he was late for class was ______ he missed the early bus.
5. I don’t know ______ the satellite will be launched.
6. Then across the problem ____ we could import the equipment needed.
7. Can you tell me ______ much the book costs?
8. The boss asked ______ she was late for work.
9. The gift will be sent to ______ buy the goods.
10. ______ actions you take must not break the law.
11. _______ she doesn’t understand spoken English is obvious.
12. The truth is _____ he is only eighteen.
13. The fact ___ Ann was late didn’t surprise me.
14. ______ he was talking about was interesting.
15. ______ he left the country is a secret.
16. _______ she went is none of your business!
17. _______ wants to come is welcome.
18. There is something in ______ he said.
19. Let’s ask him _____ one he wants.
20. ______ this happened is not clear to anyone.
21. It was known long ago _____ air has pressure.
22. This shows____ something unexpected may have turned up.
23. ______ we shall do the experiment is still a question.
24. Let us discuss the problem of ______ we can take these measures for the time being.
25. We don’t know _____ dictionary it is.
26. He has answered the question ______ resistance is affected by temperature.
27. That was ______ he did this morning upon arrival.
28. The question is _____ they will be able to help us.
29. The question is _____ I have lost my purse.
30. I will tell you______ I asked you to come to the party.
31. He was deeply upset by ______ had happened that day.
32. The question of ______ should do the work requires consideration.
33. It is still a question ______ we shall have our sports meet.


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