there is a group of people ,there is a group of_on the


there is a group of_on the


there is a group of people
,there is a group of_on the图1

a group of people后面跟is还是are

  解答:be a group of 中be应该是are。
  因为a group of :一组,一群。修饰可数名词的复数,作为短语时中心词是后面的复数名词;而be表示”是“,说明前后单复数是对等关系,那么be动词前面的主语自然也是复数。对应的be就是复数了。
  But since these are a group of disorders, there is no one single sign to look for.
  The Guerilla Girls are a group of anonymous women activists fighting for gender and racial equality.
  They are a group of expatriates who share similar living conditions.
  Kingsnakes are a group of beautiful constrictors found in many parts of the United States.
  Seated on the ground are a group of young men playing cards.

there is a group of people
,there is a group of_on the图2

there was a group of people

There are two groups of people.

there is a group of people
,there is a group of_on the图3


大学里有这样一群人:他们一来大学,为了摆脱寂寞、为了满足心理生理需求、为了找到一个共同奋斗的伴侣、为了……很自然、也很容易地找到一个伴侣。于是,情侣的事情成了他们的所有,他们每天黏在一起,做着别人“羡慕”“嫉妒”的事情,就这样两个人怀着美好的憧憬、梦想到了毕业的时候……当然在现实面前,很多时候,他们还是say goodbye了。
大学里有这样一群人,他们总是为自己着想,没有班级这个概念,但是看到别的班搞活动或是拿到集体荣誉又总在抱怨自己的班级,羡慕其他班级,可自己班搞活动的时候总是以一种“Who care it”的姿态去面对!一副年少轻狂的样子,于是乎他们成了“愤青”,毕业以后依然如此……
There is such a group of people in College
There is a group of people in College: they repeat the same life as high school, sunrise, sunset. "Classroom - dining room - Library - dormitory" four point line, this is their day. Every day they do you think textbooks dull gnawing exercises, they think of dusty library books, they will have to learn the textbook knowledge can recite fluently from memory. We believe that their lives back in high school, is a nerd, not a bit of fun; but when the exam, they "became the focus of" become the other classmates in the eyes of the "God", the State Scholarship, a scholarship is always whispering to their home. They enjoy doing research and learning! After graduation, successfully admitted to Qinghua University, Beijing University, Tongji University and Zhejiang university...... Graduate student.
There is a group of people in the University: students, society is their mettle in place, they made a minister, director, President, they take the student as the exercise of personal ability, every little opportunity for them to pay for many. In the school, they are the people of the hour, each school, each department's person, they also know many, many people, after graduation, the friend all over the world. In this way, they graduated, and after graduation, they continued the passion of the University, do not miss any chance, and strive to start their own career, or enter the civil service system, a few years without a slight reputation......
There is a group of people: they are busy time in college, campus agency, will make it as fun, will make money as a skill, to contact different work as a training opportunity, of course, this also takes up too much of their time, they sometimes think: is it worth it. Thinking and thinking, I graduate...... They lived a very realistic and fulfilling life, and they did learn what they didn't have in their textbooks. In their own "work" when they have slowly understood the social changes and the so-called "unspoken rules", they also early step into the community.
There is a group of people in the University. In the beginning, their passion, student unions, associations, A fighting spirit soars aloft., Banwei and so on all kinds of activities can be seen, but they saw the so-called dark, or that he is a boy, to the future of smart "retreats", they re focus in the study, busy busy professional learning, GRE, IELTS and TOEFL etc., they prepare for another way out of the ordinary, treat all students around to rush the temptation and honor unmoved. What they have is a firm aim and the will to struggle for it. After graduating from college, they went to the United States, France, england......
The university has such a group of people: they go to class on time every day, eat on time, go back to the dormitory on time, finish the homework assigned by the teacher, and attend the school and college hard and fast regulations. In addition, students work, community, part-time and so on, they do not step into one step, nothing has nothing to do with them, spare time in the dormitory to see movies, read novels, but sleep on time. Nor can they tell where they are, nor can they tell where they are. Before the exam, they will stay up late reading achievement is not high not low, there is no good without fail the exam. When graduation, they suddenly found that the university did not leave their footprints, so they took the diploma out of the school gate.
There is a group of people: they think the university came to the University, is here, not the parents "hate home" nagging, there is not a high heavy academic burden, the university is their "fly". The dormitory is their only activity place, a luxury of Internet cafes, computer has become their whole life, CS, CF, DOTA, World of Warcraft and so on is their favorite, the classroom became so strange to them, not even seen some teachers fail the exam one eye, but also their homely food. At graduation, they walked out of the university with empty hands - including graduation certificates.
In college there are people who come to college to escape loneliness, to meet psychological needs, to find a partner in struggle, and to...... It's natural and easy to find a mate. Thus, the lovers become all of them, they stick together every day, do other people "envy", "jealousy" thing, so that two people with good vision, dreams, when graduation...... Of course, in the face of reality, many times, they are still say goodbye.
There is a group of people in the University, they are so longing for university life in high school, but really came to the University, but the university is not found in their minds that kind, always feel cheated by the University, cheated by life! They are always envious of his classmates, the envy of other universities, the envy of other professional, in fact their own professional direction of employment, employment prospects do not know, the University for four years, in such envy, inferiority......
There is a group of people in the University, they always think for themselves, not the class of this concept, but to see other classes to engage in activities or to get collective honor and always complaining about his class, the envy of other classes, when their classes engage in activities are always in a "Who care it" attitude to face! A young and frivolous manner, so they became"

there is a group of people
,there is a group of_on the图4

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