my birthday五句话 ,以mybirthday为题写一篇作文(不少于5句话)



Today is my birthday.I am so glad because my friends come to my home.We do plenty of games.And my friends give me some gifts.At last we sing a song together .What a funny day.

请以my birthday为题写一篇英语作文

My birthday party
My birthday is 14th May.At that day,my mother bought me a big birthday cake and cooked many delicious foods.I invent my friends to my party.After had a meal ,we sang songs and played games.In the afternoon,we went to the park in my dad's car.In the evening,my grandfather and grandmother came to my house for dinner,my uncle,aunt and sister came too.My sister gave me a present and then,I went to bed.I had a very happy birthday party.
Today is Jul.26th.It's my birthday.I am eleven years old today.Look,I have got a nice birthday party.Many friends come to my party,I have got a lot of birthday presents,too.A toy car,a book,a pencil-box and so on.On the table,there is a big birthday cake,I light my eleven candles,make a wish,then blow out the candles.We eat together,sing together and dance together.We are happy to be together.


My birthday is on last Sunday. My parents held a birthday party for me at home. I invited my friends to come to the party.
  At the party. They gave me many small presents. Such as cards, picture books, pens.
  They also sang Happy Birthday to me. My mother made a big cake for us. I cut the cake into small pieces and gave them out. All of us sang and danced happily.
  We had a really good time at the party.
March 5th is my birthday.
  It's also a special day to memorize a great person -- Lei Feng. This year I celebrated my birthday in a different way. In the morning, I got up early and cooked breakfast for my parents. At school, I helped my desk-mates to repair their broken chairs.
  After school, I took my birthday cake to the home for the aged. The old men were so happy to see me. All o~ them hoped that I would be back again.
Do you know what day is it today?It's my birthday!I have a party today.My friend comes at about 11 o'clock.I am very excitedly,because they take me some gifts and say "Happy birthday" to me.And I say "thank you" to them.My mother give cake to everyone.After we eat cake,we have fun together.Some of them dance,some of them sing.I play the guitar.We are very happy.

以My birthday写一段话不少于五句 必须在0月28日5点前回答否则一律作废

Today is my birthday. In the morning my Mum gave me a book as my present. After I went to school, my teacher and classmates congratulated me on my birthday. In the evening, my family had a dinner party for me. We had a lot of good food to eat. My Dad told me to make more progress in the next year. I had a wonderful birthday today!

以上就是关于my birthday五句话 ,以mybirthday为题写一篇作文(不少于5句话)的全部内容,以及my birthday五句话 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

上一篇 2022年06月19日14时59分41秒
下一篇 2022年06月19日15时09分40秒


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