关于购物的看法的英语作文 ,关于购物的英语作文不少于五句话



In July 1, I and my mother to mall, we bought new clothes, we also buy the shoes, and then we go to the supermarket to buy some ice cream, meat, beverages, salads and other foods, In order to prepare for tomorrow's party, and then to 5:00 we go home.


How do you think that it was go to shopping double eleven's date?
I think that you were have more money at first.我想在购物方面,首先,你要有足够的钱。Acutally,I don't like suff the Internet and go out to shopping more time.事实上,我不喜欢浏览网页并且去长时间的购物。When I was a young girl,my mother master of the shopping,bought some clothes and made some clothes.Therefore,don't have more stylish clothes before,I have already wear more kinds style of clothes.当我是一个年轻的女孩子的时候,我的母亲精通与购物,买一些衣服和做一些衣服。因此,早在这个社会还没什么新潮款式的衣服以前,我已经穿过不少款式的衣服。Actually,if I was shopping for quite a long time later,I can't make a choice and I don't know what kind of clothes I really like it.I hate shopping,if I had enough money and I really want to buy something.事实上,如果我在长时间的购物以后,我将会无法做出正确的选择,并且我真的不知道我想买什么了。I will use a half hour buy something,very quickly,and I will very clear to know what kind of clothes and shoes I need for that.So double eleven's date to me,that means no meaning.我将会用半个小时买完我要的东西,非常快,并且我会非常清楚的是知道什么样子的衣服和鞋子是我需要的。所以,双11,对于我来说,那基本上就是一个没有意义的事情。I saw many clothes within my mother's clothes shop.So I also can wear many kinds of clothes.So I really don't like shopping on the double eleven's date.And I was not keep in the material desire.我曾经在我母亲的服装店里看到过很多的衣服。所以,我也穿过许多种类的衣服。所以,我真的不喜欢这种双十一购物节的氛围。并且我也不是物质欲非常强的人。




Every season, it's also the time for me to buy clothes crazily, because the prices of clothes bought at this time are very cheap. Although the price of clothes is very cheap, the quality is not bad when there are sales promotion activities in the clothing store or when the season changes.



I love swimming, originally I can't swim, but I think swimming can exercise, I don't know how much saliva I choked in the process of learning, until now I have learned backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle. In summer, I go swimming almost every Saturday and Sunday. My mother said, "there are as many people in the swimming pool as dumplings." I guess they like swimming very much, too.


I learned that as long as you work hard, you will get harvest. I learned
two famous sayings. One is that Kung Fu is not inferior to those who
have a heart. The other is that nothing is difficult for those who have a
heart. As long as you pay more than others, you will gain more. Any
achievement is the result of hard work.




With the rapid development of our society, more and more people are fond of online shopping for its convenience. Online shopping has been a heated fashion. But different people have different views on this point. After all, every coin has two sides.


Online shopping has advantages as well as disadvantages. Firstly, nowadays, the Internet has become a must. As convenient as it is, online shopping caters for those who are occupied by busy work or other things. And it can help us save much money, which is cheaper than what we buy in the physical store. What’s more, it contributes the Internet to the further development.



However, it is also a risk of online shopping as we pay the bill online by our credit cards, we may be cheated by the dishonest shoppers. Sometimes the quality of what we buy online is much worse than we could imagine.


In my opinion, when we are shopping online, we should keep wise to prevent us from treating. And we’ll find that online shopping has advantages over disadvantages.


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